Chapter 20

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Nancie and Eveylns POV
Eveyln didn't know what she was going to say to Nancie. What could she said she heard the radio the boys wasn't going to make it. While thinking what to say when walking along the street Eveyln walked into the person she was dreading to see. Nancie.
"Hey Eveyln what are you doing?"She asked fining it weird she was coming back where the news and radio station was.
"Hi Nancie I've got something to tell you."Eveyln said ready to tell Nancie the news.
"What?"She questioned.
"I was coming from the radio station because I've been listening to what was happening to the boys when they were going to Japan." She paused ready to tell Nancie what happened. "And the planes were getting shot at and I don't think they made it."She said with a tear rolling down her street.
"What?"Nancie said shocked.
"They didn't make it Nancie the Japanese shot there planes after they bombed the whole place."Eveyln cried.
"He can't be dead he said he would come back to me."Nancie cried falling on Eveylns lap.
"Are you sure?" Nancie asked making sure what she heard was correct. Her brother and Fiancé dead. All her family gone. All she could do was cry nothing else came out of her mouth.
"I'm so sorry Nancie but I'll be with you for the rest of the way and I'll help you with everything."Eveyln said trying to calm her bestfriend who was in hysterics on her lap.
After being told the news Nancie didn't come out of her house or speak to anyone she didn't even let Eveyln in! Today was the day that the soldiers were coming back all though Eveyln thought they were all dead she was going to the station to see if any survived.

Rafes and Danny's POV
When the planes came to save the remaining of the soldiers Danny got taken into care straight away. After some painful hours of stitching cleaning and bandaging Danny thankful pulled through and survived. Waking up to a bright light on his face Danny thought he was in heaving until after a couple of minutes thinking her was dead he came back to reality and that reality was that we was alive on a plane back to Perl Harbour.
"Danny!"Rafe said running over to his best friend that was alive.
"Rafe I'm alive right I'm not dreaming?"Danny laughed while slowly sitting up and grunting holding onto his side.
"Danny you was really lucky this time you didn't have much time left but then the planes came and the nurses managed to save you."Rafe said hugging his best mate making sure not to hurt him in any way.
"So I'm going back to Nancie now?"Danny asked worrying about Nancie and how she was doing.
"Yes Danny your a free man your going to live the rest of your life with Nancie."Rafe said proud of his bestfriend and sister.
After a few more hours the plane finally came to a landing a Pearl Harbour. Rafe helping Danny off the plane. When they walked out of the planes door the first person they saw was Eveyln.
"Rafe Danny."Evelyn cried running over to the two. " I thought you was dead Nancie thinks your dead."She sniffled.
"We're are defiantly not dead Eveyln but Red is he saved me and Danny but Danny still go shot and thankfully pulled through."He said looking at Danny who just stared at Eveyln dazed when she said Nancie thinks yours dead and the hugging Eveyln with his free arm and kissing her on the head.
"Poor Red such a good thing he did saving you too."Eveyln said knowing that Red has found peace with Betty.
"Nancie really thinks I'm dead."Danny said looking at Eveyln who just nodded.
"She really does Danny she hasn't come out for the house in days she won't even speak to me."She explained.
"I need to see her."Danny urgently said moving away from Rafe but Eveyln grabbed his arm.
"Danny you can't walk all the way there your injured, I'll drive you."Eveyln offered while getting her car started and waited for the others to jump in.
After a 10 minute drive they were finally at Nancies house. Danny slowing getting out of  the car with Rafes support and went and knocked on her door.

Nancie McCawley x Danny Walker COMPLETED✅ Where stories live. Discover now