Chapter 22

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Danny's POV
As I entered Nancies house I didn't see her but then I knew the place where she would be up in her room laying on her bed. I slowly made my way upstairs trying not to scare her but then I saw a figure in the shadow holding a knife. The figure was standing there for a while now probably debating whether to come out or not but finally they did.
"NANCIE!" I said running over to her. "DANNY?" She shouted.

Nancie POV
"DANNY?"I shouted highly confused. I didn't know if i was dreaming or in heaven.
"NANCIE!"He said running over to me before I stopped him.
"Wait don't come any closer."I warned him picking up the knife  just incase it was my mind messing with me.
"Woah!Why what's wrong?"He surrendered putting his hands up going back to his original spot.
"How do I know your real?"I asked him. He just laughed.
"Why are you laughing I thought you was dead how are you here?"I shouted at him annoyed now.
"I am real your my fiancé and we're having twins a boy and a girl."He said taking a step forward and lowering the knife out of my hand.
"Ok that's true but it still doesn't explain how your here."I said looking up at him.
"The plane crashed Japs were everywhere the were about to shoot Rafe but I jumped in front of him and got shot."He paused looking at my shocked expression."After I got shot twice Red took the rest for me. He told me to tell you him and Betty will always be looking down on you and he loves you."He finished. I didn't know what to say he took bullets for my brother then Red took bullets for him!
"Do you want me to leave?"He asked with a hurt expression and started to walk away.
"Wait!"I said running and jumping into his arms. I wouldn't dare let go I didn't want him to disappear. I don't know what came over me but I started sobbing into his chest.
"Shhh it's ok I'm here now."Danny told me kissing the top of my head.
"Now will you please tell me why you had a knife in your hand?"He laughed after minuets of silence.
"I didn't know who it was." I admitted wrapping my arms around his neck.
"Fair enough."He said putting me down then looking me up and down.
"You've gotten bigger from when I left."He said placing a hand on my now showing bump.
"Yeah I'm 3 months now 4 months next week."
"Well I can't miss anymore."He said picking me up and running into my room.
"Danny!"I squealed when he chucked me on the bed.
"What!"He mimicked me."Did I hurt you?"He asked with concern in his eyes.
"Be careful of the babies."I said his eyes widened.
"I forgot about that will it be ok?"He said sitting next to me.
"It will be fine but you can't do that when I get bigger."I said punching his arm.
"You still have a good swing on ya. I remember all the time when you used to punch when when I woke you up."He laughed.
"Oh I remember and you wined like a baby."I joked.
"I didn't."He winked at me."I missed you so much."He said putting a arm around me and laying on the bed.
"I missed you too."I said running my fingers through his hair while he he buried his face into my neck.
"I need to get out of these trousers there killing me."He laughed while getting up.
"I still have some of your clothes in my drawers."I pointed out while walking over to get my night clothes.
As I was undressing I couldn't help but look at myself in the mirror. Although I was pregnant I looked so skinny and pale but Danny hadn't noticed it yet.

Danny's POV
I came out of the bathroom when I was dressed and saw Nancie looking at herself in the mirror. I didn't show myself yet because I didn't know what she was looking at until I realised that she was more skinny and pale. I feel so bad I didn't even notice that my fiancé that was carrying my children wasn't well.
"Nancie."I said. She jumped when she heard my voice and turned to look at me.

Nancie McCawley x Danny Walker COMPLETED✅ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon