Chapter 1

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Fucking hell. I am running late. Very late. You would think after a couple of years of working and being determined at my job I would not run late and would not be met with the glaring eyes of everyone at that goddammed office. Well, you are wrong. I am pretty much fucked if I am late. Especially today.

So, people at the office aren't bad, really, just condescending at times. But I don't blame them, I did just got one of the best and most anticipated projects at the company and oh god, you should've looked at their faces! Not too bad for someone like me huh? The reason I cannot be late is because that project starts today and I will have new people on my team, fresh meat as people call it. And I cannot give them the impression that I, their "boss" is an unpunctual, messy person who cannot control his hair. Okay, well the last one isn't my fault, I've always had messy bed hair! But the others aren't looking good for me right now either. I am usually not like this late, well sometimes I am but with good reason. Today I really have no excuse except for the fact that I scrolled through Instagram for an amount of time that I am not comfortable accepting and just lost track of the time. And then I got up late and you get the picture, right? Happens to the best of us, but not an excuse I can give to anyone. Oh, I wished this was an acceptable excuse.

I might be running late, but one thing that I cannot start my day without is coffee. I enter my regular coffee shop called Ichiraku coffee. It's really a small local chain, they have Ichiraku Noodles, which I think they should name Ichiraku Ramen because that's the only food item they are good at. Anyway, I order my regular cappuccino and set out.

Now I'm jogging a little bit more out of necessity than anything else. The good thing is I am only a 5-min walk away from my office. Just thinking about the project that awaits me makes me a little giddy. This project would boost my career to a different level. I might not be a fan of people I work with but even I have to admit they are one hell of a team. But we wanted fresh minds and um, well people who might do the work for well not-over-the-average-pay. Not my idea, but my bosses. Anyway, I can't believe I was chosen for this project, as I mentioned before this project will change my life. I am almost at the building now, just around the corner...

Everything happens very quickly. I took a quick turn but there was someone standing already and we crash, hard. I fall right on my ass and so does the person whom I collided with, half of my coffee is on the floor and the other half is on my shirt. Well, there goes my fresh shirt and good first impression.

"Hey! Watch where you are going!" I say, a little too harshly. I adjust my eyes to the sun's light and see if people around us stopped. No one did. Well, it wouldn't be a business hub if people weren't self-absorbed.

"Sorry," says the person I collided with holding her hand over her eyes. I freeze. Run. This is the only thing I can think of. But I am also not a jerk and the person – the girl – who I collided with might need help with her stuff. I see she was drinking the same coffee as me. Still drinking this, huh. A warm feeling takes over my body as I remember. I don't think she has even noticed me, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I cannot deal with this, not today. I quickly gather her things up and keep them beside her, her hand is off her eyes and she is staring at me wide-eyed. Yeah, I cannot believe it either. This is when I decide to do one of the most awkward things ever, I drop her stuff [again] and run. I run towards the building and don't stop until I reach the elevator.

Thank god there aren't many people in the elevator. Panting I just sit down on the elevator floor and think about what I just did. What the fuck dude, you ran!! I should've stopped and said Hi. But she wouldn't want it...Well you fucking dumbass she saw you and recognized you...maybe you shouldn't be a supreme jerk and said Hi...

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