№57|No Thanks For The Memories (Part 1)

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“You’re sending them to Brimstone?” Barron's eyes went wide. Brimstone Max Prison was where officials in Ardglass sent wolves who were caught inside their walls. Barron knew a lot of wolves locked up, and some who lost their lives, inside of Brimstone.

The very thought of his parents being sent there shook him to his core.

“Look at that.” Irvam basked in the fear radiating off the alpha. “The alpha’s scared. Never ever thought I’d live to see the day.”

Vanessa turned towards her brother. “Hey,” she tried her best to reach her tied hands towards him, “don't let him get to you. Our parents are strong. Not even Irvam and Brimstone can take them down.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that.” Irvam tapped some buttons on the minitor, a screen showing Barron’s parents as they entered Brimstone.

Muzzles covered the former alpha couples’ faces as they were harshly pushed out of the truck.

Enyo fell to the ground and attempted to get up, but was  just pushed deeper into the ground by the warden. Ulysses tried to fight through the guards’ hold on him, but it was no use. A shock to the neck sent him crashing down beside his mate.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for you to be here.” The warden snickered, digging his heel into Enyo’s back.

“Looks like they’re gonna have bundles of fun!” Irvam laughed, his laughter soon dying down when a dark aura surrounded the room.

Barron squinted up at the viewing gallery as the dark aura stood menacingly behind Irvam. The dragon shuddered as the sound of rattling snakes echoed throughout the room.

“Where… is… Barron?” The flatlined voice of Medusa questioned, digging her nails into Irvam’s shoulders.

“Th-That’s Medusa?” Montego’s mouth was left slightly agape in shock.

Barron couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He knew Medusa was not one to mess with, but he’d never seen her like this.

“Take a look.” Irvam replied, soon getting slammed against the glass when Medusa laid eyes on her pack’s dilemma.

“What did you do to them?!” Medusa's voice boomed throughout the room, making the water ripple.

“Nothing… yet.” Irvam’s hand slammed down on the red button, sending the pack deep into the Memory Pool.

Medusa locked desperate eyes with Barron as he sunk deep into the water. “Barron!!” She called out for her lover, pain and anger laced in her voice.

“You monster!” Medusa repeatedly slammed Irvam’s head against the wall, sending a stone shot towards Byrce when the wolf attempted to jump her. “Bring them back up!!”

“No can do…” Irvam croaked from under Medusa’s hard grip. “Your research did this…”

“I did this?!” Medusa ripped him from the glass, throwing him into Zedian. “You did this to them! You’re the one who kidnapped them in the middle of the night!”

“Not only that…” Irvam pointed towards the pool. “What do you think is powering that pool?”

Medusa rushed towards the glass, noticing her notebook tied the pool. She stumbled back slightly. “No…” She shook her head. “Those notes are for the wellbeing of all wolves…” Medusa began to question her own words. Are they though? Her head shaking began to quicken.

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