The Last Night

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"Are you seriously parking in the expecting mother parking spot?" Kyle asked with amused grin on his face as he looked over at Dean.

Dean put the car in park and killed the engine before looking at Kyle from behind his sunglasses. "You bet I am," he said with a big grin. "Now- it's time for us to pick up Steve's birthday cake."

"I wonder if we'll be able to fit one hundred and five candles on it."

"Not unless you want to burn the place down," Dean joked. "And make Steve even more uncomfortable than he'll already be."

Independence Day was quickly approaching, marking Steve Rogers' birthday. Since Dean had known him, Steve had always tried to make his birthday as little a deal as possible, preferring to celebrate the national holiday instead.

"Humble, sweet. Sometimes he's too perfect," Kyle said in a dreamy voice. "I can already see him blushing and telling us 'you guys really shouldn't have done this for me!'"

Dean laughed at Kyle's spot-on impression. "You sound exactly like him. That's what he always says anytime we make a fuss over his birthday."

"Well, after the last few years we've had I think anything that can be celebrated should be celebrated," Kyle said in a firm voice.

Dean fist bumped him and smiled. "Agreed. And there's so much to be celebrating. Steve's birthday..."

"And the twins will be here soon," Kyle added as he playfully patted Dean's stomach, eliciting an eye roll from him.

"You know, I still have to explain to my brother Jason that it's not that kind of pregnancy? He keeps asking how they'll get them out of me."

The two of them got out of the car and into the sweltering summer heat and walked across the blisteringly hot parking lot. Despite having parked so close, they were both sweating lightly by the time they entered New Asgard's upscale bakery. When the cake- a massive sheet cake decorated flawlessly in red, white and blue- was presented to them, Kyle couldn't contain his excitement. He took in the stars and stripes and the big, perfectly piped letters and felt a rush of excitement flow through him.

"Should I give you and the cake some alone time?" Dean asked with a smirk.

Kyle playfully shoved him before lifting the cake off of the counter. "I'm just really excited. It's the first time we've celebrated Steve's birthday like this. With an actual party and everything. I want it to be perfect."

Dean opened the door up for Kyle and the two of them returned to the car. "It will be perfect," Dean assured him. "Anything you do is going to make his day."

Kyle gently placed the cake in the car before sitting down next to Dean and sighing with relief when the blast of air conditioning struck him. "So, the firework situation..."

"I told you, I don't mind putting on a show for everyone," Dean reassured him as he lifted a finger and several streams of multicolored light burst from it. "It'll be fun. Besides, what good is a photokinetic superhero if he can't make fireworks on the Fourth of July?"

"I mean, that's kind of the most important aspect of your superpowers," Kyle agreed.

"Shh," Dean playfully scolded as Kylie Minogue began to sing to them over the stereo. "It's time to listen to our queen."

When the two of them returned to Thor and Dean's cabin, Thor could be seen off in the distance. Having already built a single crib, the revelation that Dean was actually carrying twins had prompted Thor to build another. Dean parked the car and let out an audible swoon at the sight of his shirtless husband as he carried out the task. Sunlight was shining down on his sweaty skin, illuminating the curve of each muscle. His hair was swept up in a ponytail, granting Dean access to the careful and meticulous expression on the thunder god's face.

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