"What's wrong?"

"When did you have your last period?"

Matty thought for a moment.

"The end of September."

"So no cycle in October?"

Matty shook her head.

"No, but I never thought much of it. I have missed periods before, especially when I was stressed."

"And you took the pregnancy test on your wedding day, right?"

"Yea," Matty smiled.

"Best wedding gift I could have gotten."

Nick felt the sides of Matty's stomach and above her belly button.

"Is something wrong?"

Nick shook his head.

"No. I just think you are further along than we first thought. Morning sickness is usually around the fifth or sixth week of pregnancy.

If that is the case, then I think you got pregnant right after your last cycle."

He walked away and looked at the calendar.

"Can you remember when your last cycle ended?"

Matty thought for a moment.

"Probably October the first or September 29 or 30."

Nick nodded and walked back to Matty's side.

"Then I think you are probably around ten or eleven weeks pregnant."

Matty looked pleasantly surprised.


Nick nodded.

"That will give you a late June to early July delivery."

"That would be perfect."

Matty turned to Bill.

"At least I won't be fat all summer."

"You will still be sexy, no matter what."

Nick laughed as he prepared to put gel on Matty's stomach.

"So. We ready?"

Matty nodded.

"This might be a little cold, but it warms up quick."

He poured the gel on Matty's belly.

"Fuck," she laughed.

"Where did you get that? The deep freeze?"

Nick took the wand in his hand.

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