Not being able to help herself, she wraps her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, standing on her tip toes. Remus feels as if the air has gotten knocked out of his lungs. He's wanted to hug her ever since the train ride, and long before that. Unsure, the older man wraps his arms around her waist, hugging her back. She can't stop the tears from forming in her eyes as she realises where she is. Back in one of her dad's arms. "Are you alright?" He asks, patting her back. "Carina?"

The green eyed girl pulls away, clearing her throat and taking a deep breath, "Sorry, sir, I - I just received a letter from my father and - I'm feeling slightly emotional, at the moment," she lies quietly, swallowing with difficulty as she takes him in. Carina ignores the buzzing in her pocket.

"Oh," Remus deflates slightly. By the way she was looking at him, he thought that maybe she'd gotten her memory back somehow. How stupid of me, just because Harry claims he saw Peter on the map, now suddenly I can't stop seeing Sirius in every little thing, "And how is everything at home?" He wonders, taking his mind off of last night, placing his hand on her shoulder, showing his support.

Carina smiles up at him, "Everything's perfect," she murmurs, wanting to hug the man again. Remus tilts his head at her choice of words, "I mean - everything's okay, it's just, my father is - uh, well," usually she is not a bad liar, but just staring into Remus' eyes and knowing that it's him... "He told Draco he would come to watch him play today," Oh, thank Merlin, that's actually true.

The Professor's eyes softened, "Well, if you'd rather stay in a classroom during the match or maybe go to the library, then I could -"

"No, no," Carina shakes her head, "No problem, sir. I have to watch my brother. He wouldn't be happy if I missed the last game of the season," she says honestly, offering him a small smile. Remus hums, nodding understandingly. "I'll just be out of the pitch before he can see me so I don't have to get in trouble," she shrugs.

In reality, she should be concerned with the fact that she's going to see Lucius the next morning, but truthfully, he is not what's important right now. "Okay, Miss Malfoy," Remus decides to say, "By the way, how are your studies coming? I heard Professor Binns saying that even though you're not in his class, your essays are the most compelling," he couldn't help but smile, chest swelling with pride for his daughter.

"Really?" Asks Carina, smiling right back. "That's great, I had no idea he was liking them - or even reading them at all," she chuckles, unable to stop herself from grinning. "Honestly, History of Magic is probably the subject that I like the least, but don't tell him that," she admits.

"Don't worry, I won't," promises Remus, "Are you looking for your friends?" He asks, and Carina nods. She'd forgotten about them for a second, "Well, c'mon. They were looking for you too. They're at the library, they asked me to tell you if I saw you. Shall I walk you?" Offers the man in a chivalrous manner.

The black haired girl is nodding before he even finishes asking. As they walk together, she resists the urge to tell him about everything she knows. Sirius wants to be the one that speaks to him, let him have this. It's weird to know that Lucius is not her father, and yet, she calls him that. Why can't she call Sirius dad? Something inside her isn't letting up, maybe it's the fact that Remus hasn't been involved in the conversation yet...


Next morning, they all wake up bright and early for the last Quidditch game of the season. "I'm sure you'll do great, Dragon, don't worry," Carina pats his back reassuringly as they finish eating breakfast. "Just remember the rules and try to play by them, okay?" Some of the older members of the team would commit infractions. They were quite good at that, actually. Madam Hooch almost never caught on.

for the one i love ; fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now