Chapter 37: Tyrant

Start from the beginning

"You want to live and see your family reunited again." The voice said from behind you, causing you to spin around. You came face to face with... a woman?

She had light blue hair that ran down her back and shoulders before stopping at the middle of her back. It obscured her left eye, but you could see by her right one that her irises were an icy blue. She wore a light blue cloak that seemed to move on its own, along with a small glow.

"Who are you?" You questioned, taking a step back. The woman seemed amused by this, and only stepped forward another step to close the distance again. The water on the ground seemed to avoid her in a circle, yet it didn't do that around you.

"I'm your guardian." The woman giggled quietly at your surprised form. You were only more confused by her answer, and this time took a small step forward.

"What's that supposed to mean? Where am I? Who are you actually?" You asked again. The woman moved forward again so that she was a mere foot or two away from you. She was about your height, and that was a little surprising since you'd consider yourself tall.

"I am your guardian." She repeated, lightly patting your head and running her fingers through your hair. "You are in my home."

"That just doesn't make sense. One minute I'm dying in the bottom of London's famous river, then I'm suddenly in the lair of someone I've never met." You shook your head as you tried to wrap your head around what was going on.

"We've met before. Though, I doubt you'll remember it." She spun to the side, placing her hands behind her neck as she gazed into the endless distance. You'd met before? Surely you'd have remembered this woman.

"No, that's not true. I've never seen you in my life." You told her calmly. Whether you expected her to admit her mistake, or you had nothing else to say. You didn't think about the statement too hard.

"Of course we have. You've touched me before." She said nonchalantly.

"Excuse me!?" You couldn't help but blush at her words, turning your head the other direction to hide it. The girl turned in your direction, making a confused sound as she saw you were suddenly nervous. Then she yet again read your mind.

"I think you misunderstand what I mean. You think I mean sexually, don't you-" She began.

"Just shut up and explain, please." You crossed your arms and growled at your own mind.

"Well, how do you think you have those powers? Those weren't there until you touched me." She reached back over, pressing on your arm and causing your powers to suddenly manifest into a knife in your hand.

Only then did you realise who she was. Retracting your arm from her touch, the knife disappeared, and you finally had the right question on your mind.

"You... you're the Tesseract?" Your jaw quite literally dropped at the reveal. The girl sighed before sitting down with her legs crossed.

"Of course not. That's just the stupid name that they gave me. No, I'm the Space Stone." She explained. When finding that you were still standing, she nodded to the floor and coaxed you into doing the same. You hesitated because of the fact you'd be sitting in the water again, but she simply looked at the spot with an inaudible 'hmph' which caused the water to retreat enough for you to sit.

Once you were seated, she began to explain exactly what had happened. "You see, (Y/N). Us Infinity Stones have ways to manifest like this. The only way to do so is by dragging our wielder into our world, dragging someone with an affinity to us into our world, or by our wielder summoning us into the true world."

"So, you dragged me in here? How? You're not even on Earth, right?" You raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm the only one who can do this, as my powers allow me reach across the universe to find whoever I want to contact. Though, since I can only speak to those with my affinity, I can only speak to two people." She stated, causing you to tilt your head.

"Whose the other person?" You were curious to know.

"Ms. Carol Danvers. Though she's from your planet, she's usually tending to more cosmic affairs." She informed you. Huh, so you weren't the only king of the cosmos. There was another.

"Either way, I need to get back to London. The bridge is in shambles, that guy probably got away. And I don't even know if Ryan survived." You said, starting to get to your feet.

"If you try to leave now, you'll die." The woman said calmly, not moving from her seated position. "Your body is metaphorically destroyed. If you leave then you'll be trapped in the river and I'll no longer be able to save your consciousness in here."

"I need to defeat that guy." You exclaimed.

"Tyrant is no 'guy' to be messed with on your own." She said, causing you to glance at her eyes.

"Tyrant?" You repeated the name.

"The man you were battling. His name is Tyrant." She explained.

"Well, either way. What am I supposed to do? I can't just stay here forever. What do I do... Space Stone..." You felt weird calling her by that name.

"I can repair your body quite easily, actually. Though it will take me quite a bit of energy. I won't be able to contact you again for a long time. So if you get yourself into a life threatening situation, you'll be dead." She stated seriously.

"When will I be able to speak to you again?" I locked eyes with her. There was an almost sad- lonely look in her eyes.

"If I heal you, you must promise me something." She placed a hand on your arm. You nodded for her to continue, and she did so. "Promise me. Once you've taken care of your personal affairs. Promise that you'll find me. Promise you'll take me." You looked off to the side again, trying to hide your face.

"I promise. Just stop making everything sound so god damn sexual." You mumbled. She chuckled silently, turning your head to face her.

"I need your permission before I can do this and send you back." You couldn't help but seem an almost invisible blush on her cheeks as she finished her words.

"Fine. Just do it, Cosmo." You shook your head.

"Cosmo?" She raised an eyebrow.

"It sounds better than Space Stone. Plus, I'd say it fits. Whenever I say my nickname, it'll be like you're there too. At least until I manage to find you." You couldn't help but smile at the name.

"Very well, (Y/N). Are you ready?" She asked. You nodded, and she placed both hands on your shoulders, pulling you to her. It confused you for a moment, then she ever so lightly pressed her lips to yours. You had no intentions of kissing her back, after all you loved Wanda. But you felt a burst of energy run through you, and your sight suddenly began to change.

With a flash of light in your eyes, you were back in the river, your body now feeling like it was in perfect condition.

"Tyrant. When I find you. I will slay you."

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