Chapter 26

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London's POV
I was woken up by a loud cry that was echoing throughout the house. I quickly got up and ran to Addisons room. "Addie your okay." I said as I picked up my little girl and walked to the living room. It's currently 6 in the morning I wish that I could get her to sleep through the night but that's a wish that will never come true. "Marry Christmas princess." I said than kissed the top of her head. It's her first Christmas and I know she won't know what it is until she's 2 but it's still exciting.

I walked to the kitchen and got a milk pouch out of the freezer and began to heat it up. My apartment lit up With lights as I turned on the Christmas tree and the other Christmas decorations I had scattered around the house. "While thats heating up let's go get you dressed." I said than walked back to her room. I placed her in a cute black and plaid outfit for today.

She looked so cute

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She looked so cute. I finished by putting a black bow on her. "Alright baby let's go feed you." I said. I poured the milk into a bottle and walked back to the living room and turned on the tv.

Addison looked at me with her pretty blue eyes that she gets from Niall. She looks so much like him it's not funny. Niall leaves in less than 3 weeks and I have to make up my choice if I want to go back with him or not. I just don't know what to do. He originally asked me to come in May but than he got us tickets to go back with him in January. I just don't want to make anyone mad.

"How long have you been up?" Niall asked as he walking into the living room. "About 20 minutes." I said. "Want some breakfast?" Niall asked with a yawn at the end. "Yeah." I said. Niall went to the kitchen and made us eggs and bacon. "Thank you for breakfast." I said. "No problem, what time are we supposed to be at your moms?" Niall asked. "Noon, but I need to make a few things." I said. "My parents are going to follow us there my mom said they will be here at 10." Niall said. "Alright that's fine." I said.

"Oh yeah my mom said that the boys can come to the house." I said. "Okay I'll text Harry he's probably not even up yet." Niall said with a chuckle. "Thank you for letting them and my family join us for Christmas." He said. "Hey no one she be alone on Christmas." I said with a chuckle. "Here I will switch you, I'll take your plait and you burp her." I said. Niall gave me a smile and happily took Addison.

"She's sleeping in her swing what do you need help with?" Niall asked. "Actually yes do you know how to make green bean casserole?" I asked. Niall looked at me like I had two heads. "Do you know how to make sweet potato's?" I asked. Niall smile and nodded. "Okay well here is 10 sweet potato's and you do your thing." I said as I handed him the bag. I connected my phone to the house speaker and put music on loud enough for us to hear but not to loud so Addison wouldn't wake up.

"You have a beautiful voice." Niall said. "Oh uh thanks." I blushed. "I don't normally sing around people." I said. "Well your are a amazing singing don't hide." He said with a chuckle. After Niall and I put our stuff in the oven we went to the living room and watched Santa Clause. "Oh here open your Christmas present from me." I said. "London you didn't have to get me anything." He said. "Oh shut up and open it." It was a black brass bracelet that my mom told me about. She almost got my dad one but than they broke up. Although they are expensive they mean a lot to people.

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