Chapter 14

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London's POV
    Today I find out the gender of the baby it's kinda upsetting because Niall can't be here. Niall and I talk everyday he clams he wants to make sure everything is okay but I told him I think he's just lonely. I'm kidding. I know he's not lonely. It's good talking to Niall because even though he texts me to check up on me we always get off topic and start talking about are friends, our jobs or our childhood. Who would have thought Niall was obsessed with the Teletubbies. I got a text from Niall before I left the house and it read.

          N:I really wish I could be there but I know we agreed we would call but I have a meeting I'm sorry.
         L: it's okay Niall I'm fine. Hey why don't I just surprise you I'll mail you something that reveals the gender.
         N:Oh you don't have to do that.
         L: well too bad it sounds fun I'm doing it.
         N: Alright, be carful today I'll talk to you later.

    It is sad that that Niall can't be here but I give him credit for trying. By now everyone in my family knows about Niall and my sister finally apologized last week for being a ass. I just don't get her sometimes. I pulled into the doctors office and sat there for a good 10 minutes just thinking about how my like is going to change and how it already has changed so much.

    "Hello London how are you." Doctor May asked. " I'm doing okay my back hurts, I'm still tired I'm not as nauseous anymore" I said. "All of that is normal the further you get the more uncomfortable you'll get." She said with a smile. "No dad?" She asked. "No he's back In London." I said. "Oh I'm sorry but shall we see what you are having. I laid back and listened to my babies heartbeat. It's like music to my ears.

   "Congratulations your having a baby girl." She said. I probably had the biggest smile on my face.  Niall and I have been going back and forth over the last two months over the gender. I'm really happy it's a girl but to be honest I would have been happy with either. "How many pictures." She asked. "Two please." I said. "Here you go do you have any questions?" She asked. "No I think I'm okay." I said with a smile.

    I can't wait to see my baby girl for the first time. As soon as I got in the car I started crying but they where happy tears. I know that non of this was supposed to happen and it pushed back my modeling career but I'm happy. I don't think I have ever been so happy. With my dad being gone I was depressed and I didn't know what to do with myself. My modeling career helped me through a lot but the baby helped me more. I'm happy with how close Niall land I have gotten in the past 5 months because we have to deal with each other.

    I have announced my pregnancy on social media but we haven't said a word about Niall. I have amazing follower who are happy for me and excited. Although I have people who spread hate about me. And the hate works either they say.

Wow a mom at 21 what a slut!

Aren't you like 21 don't you need to grow up in able to have a baby? Your so gross!

This is funny what else are you are you joking about!

I haven't seen the baby daddy I guess he didn't want anything to do with you I don't blame him!

Watch this all be a big act than 9 months later she says surprise I wasn't never pregnant I'ma LIER!

So fake!

I would say congratulations but I'm good

What a whore pregnant at 21

Hey I have some birth control want to barrow it

She's ganna be on every commercial on why birth control should be used.

    I know I should let the comments get to me but it hurts. I have had to turn off the comments on most of my stuff. Some people noticed that niall fallowed me on everything and they are just like my sister. Why would he be friends with her? It hurts because he's actually the babies dad. Why do I even let them get to me? I know why because I have always let people walk all over me lol a door mat. But what can I do about it nothing.

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