Chapter 16

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London's POV
    I'm so excited Niall and the boys are coming today. Niall told me that his cousin took his car to the airport this morning so they are just going to come here themselves. I have my mom here so she can meet them and most importantly meet Niall. I wish my dad was here but I guess he already knows Niall but I haven't told my dad about him yet. So I'm scared. "Mom can you please act normal and not embarrass me?" I asked sitting next to her on the couch. "I won't promise anything but I'll try." She said with a chuckle at the end. "Your brothers are at a football game right now and your sister didn't want to come." She said. "That's fine less drama." I said with a smile.

    "I'm going to call dad tonight and talk to him about everything." My mom just rolled her eyes. "Mom face reality I'm older now I'm aloud to see and talk Dad weather you like it or not. He did nothing wrong I wish you two would just get along." I said. "I know I think it's just the fact that you like him and your siblings don't want anything to do with him. I got used to you guys just pushing him aside." She said grabbing her husband's hand. "I know mom but I have always loved dad and i will never stop. And Mike please be nice." I said. "I promise I'll act like I'm one of the guys." He said.

    Mike is nice he always tried so hard to be a father figure but I just can't. I have a dad and I just think of mike as a nice new husband to my mom. Kinda like a friend. I gasped than grabbed my stomach. "Honey you alright." My mom asked. "Yeah she's just moving a lot she just kicked my ribs that all." I said with a smile. After the incident last month I'm really scared when ever something feels weird but I love to feel her move that way I know everything this okay. I'm going to love this girl to bits more that I already do.

    "Oh they are here please you two act natural." I said walking towards the door. "Ah you guys made it." I said pulling Niall into a hug. "Come in make your selfs at home." I said. Niall shot me a smile than we walked to the living room. "Alright which one of you boys are Niall?" My mom asked. "That would be me. Nice to meet you, you must me London's mom." He said holding out his hand for my mom to shake. "Oh please call me Lilly." She said with a smile. "Hi I'm mike London's step dad." He said. "Nice to meet you." Niall said shaking his hand.

    "And this is Harry,Liam,Louis and Zayn." Niall said. "Very lovely to meet you all." My mom said shaking their hands. Mike just nodded and smiled. "Well Niall tell me a bit about yourself." Mike said. Oh boy. "Well I'm 21 I'm from Ireland I have 1 brother I love football, golf and music." Niall said with a smile. "Well I like football as well what's your favorite team. Mines the Cowboys." Mike said. "Oh you meant American football I like Brit football." Niall said. "Oh that's alright I played soccer in high school." Mike said with a smile. This is oddly going well.

    "Well aren't you guys going to say high to London you've been bugging me to meet her." Niall said. "Hey I'm zayn." He said. "Hi."I said. They all introduced them self to be honest they are all super nice. Niall sat down next to me and Mike handed a beer to the boys and than they turned on the footballs game. Tonight it was the play off so
It was really exciting. "Oh Niall give me your hand." I said he was hesitant at first but than he placed his hand in mine. I than placed his hand on top on the stomach. "Oh my god." He said with a smile. " It's great isn't it." I asked. "Amazing." He said. We sat with his hand on my stomach for a long time.

    "Dinner is ready everyone." My mom yelled from the kitchen. "Damn your mom made a buffet." Louis said with a laugh. "Yeah but you'll love it." I said. "Oh believe me I ain't complaining." He said. "Hey I was wondering if I could fly my family down at some point?" Niall asked. "Of course I would love to meet them." I said with a smile. "Oh uh we are calling my dad tonight." I said. "Ah do we have to?" Niall asked. "Yes he's my dad he deserves to know." I said with a laugh. Dinner was great and my mom and step dad decided to head out.

   "That went better than I thought it would." I said. "Yeah I thought I was going to get a lecture." Niall said. "I can give you one if you want one." Harry said raising his eyebrows. "Oh Harry stop." Louis said hitting his arm. "It was nice meeting you guys." I said with a smile. "Hey it was fun." Liam said. "Our Nialler is growing up." Louis said. "Nialler?" I asked. "We all have nicknames that's mine but they also call me lodge." He said. "Why lodge?" I asked. "Well you see." Zayn said but got cut off by a pillow to the face. "Oh my Niall I know why." I said shocked. He started to blush and all the boys including me bursted into laughter.

    "Alight I think we are going to head to our place we will see you guys tomorrow." Liam said. I don't know all the boys lived together I wonder why Niall stayed the last time and isn't leaving this time. "Are you staying?" I asked. "Is that alright with you?" He asked. "Yes of course you might have to sleep on the couch because the baby took over the guest room." I said. "That's okay I miss you both." He said. "We missed you too." I said. I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. For a second I though the we where going to kiss but I was wrong. I almost wished we didn't but who am I kidding.

    "Okay let's call my dad." I said Niall signed and I just laughed. "Hey pumpkin how's everything going?" My dad asked. "Hanging in there how about you?" I asked. "Just great." He said with a smile. "Alright dad I want you to meet someone." I said pulling Niall into the camera frame. "Ah Niall Horan honey I know him I work for them a lot.Nice to see you again." He said with a smile. "Nice to see you too  Mr.Conners." Niall said waving to my dad. "How's the baby?" He asked. "She's perfectly fine dad." I said with a smile. "I didn't know you and Niall knew each other." He said. "Well that's why I called dad." He gave me a confused look. Here goes nothing.

    "Niall and I met 8 months ago on the birthday and we had a few drinks and he took me back to his place." I said. I'm scared. "This better not be what I think it is." My dad said. "Dad Niall is the father." I blurted out. My dad stared at us like we had 2 head. What in the world is he going to say. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. He's pissed great. "Because your my dad and it was hard enough telling mom and." I said as I started crying. Niall began to rub my back. "Honey listen to me, am I disappointed absolutely but there's nothing I can do about it I can see that Niall is there for you and the baby. But are you two together?" He asked. "No where not together." Niall said. I wish we were.

    "It's okay don't cry London's I'm mad but I'm not going to rip his face off I promise." My dad said. "Thanks dad." I said. I got off the phone with my dad and Niall handed me a tissue. "Thank you." I said. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah I'll be fine it was just hard." I said wiping my eyes. "Can I?" He asked pointing to my stomach. "Of course." I said with a smile. He placed his hand on my stomach and started talking.

    "Hey baby it's your Daddy. I know I won't always be there when you want me to be. But I promise I will always be there for you no matter what. I love you forever and always." Niall said. I could feel my eyes watering up and Niall looked up to me. We shared a moment and Niall started to lean in. Why wasn't I backing up? Our lips connected and it was the best kiss I have ever had. He cupped my cheeks and I place my arms around his neck. Why is this happening? Niall pulled away first and I looked into his beautiful eyes. "Uh I should go to bed." I aid getting up. "Uh yeah I'll see you in the morning." Niall said.

   I walked in my room and shut my door. Damn it. I just kissed Niall or well he kissed me but same thing. I needed to get out of the living room before things got weird. I didn't want the moment to end but I mean how could I let things get to this. Maybe I should just sleep on this and when I wake up in the morning I will forget all about this.

Nialls POV
    I'm a idiot why in hell did I kiss her. I probably just ruined everything. I just I was to caught up in the moment and then I looked into her pretty green eyes. God Niall snap out of it. I don't like her do I I mean why else would I kiss her? Oh my god I think I like London.

   On the bright side I got to feel the baby kick for the first time and it was amazing. I was like in a different world when I felt Addison kicking. I haven't been in a good place lately because I don't have Zayn by my side anymore. It's been hard I barley talk as much and I hide my emotions from the other boys. I'm happy that Zayn is still in contact with all of us and that he came with us and meet London. It was good to see him.

    Tomorrow London and I are going shopping for Addisons nursery and I'm excited. I'm happy to be a part of all of this and that she wants me to help with everything. All I need to do is get this kiss off my head. I laid down on the couch and shut my eyes hopefully this will all be gone tomorrow and everything will go back to the way it was before.

Hi! I hope you liked this chapter! :)

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