Chapter 5

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London's POV
       "Hi I can't help but notice you keep looking at me. I'm Niall." He than held out his hand for me to shake it. "Hi sorry I'm London. I swear I don't have a starring problem." I said with a chuckle at the end. Why am I so embarrassing? "Your okay I'm used to it. You know because of the band." He said with a smile. "Who?" I asked. "You really don't know who I am?" He asked looking at me. "No I'm sorry and I swear I'm not drunk I just really don't know who you are." I said than taking a drink of my margarita. "I'm Niall horan from One Direction." He whispered. Damn how did I not know that, oh wait I know why because I don't listen to them. "Oh I'm sorry I don't listen to One Direction I'm more of a Jonas Brothers and 5Sos girl." I said hoping he wouldn't get offended. "That's okay it's nice to talk to someone who doesn't know my life inside and out." He said with a laugh.

        Niall than insisted to by me another drink and I mean I couldn't say no to him. After about 6 more dinks in my system I felt a little weird.This was exactly what my mom was talking about.I'm not going to I remember tonight am I? "Wanna go dance?" I asked Niall which was clear he was drunk as well. "I don't dance." He said. "Oh come on it will be fun." I said dragging him to the dance floor. One we got there a slow song started to play. Once it was over Niall whispered something in my ear. "Wanna come to my place." He said. Oh no. "Yeah I would love to just give me a sec." I said. Oh god London what are your doing. "Hey guys I'll see you tomorrow I'm turning in for the nigh." I to Kaylin and Mason it was clear they didn't care because they just waved goodbye. "Alright let's go." I said as Niall led me to his car.

        I wasn't being stupid was I? I mean this will be a good story to tell Maggie. Hey guess what I slept with Niall Horan from One Direction. God she's going to hate me. Will this make me a hoe? I mean it's just one guy right. Oh well I'm a adult now I can make my own choices. Niall opened his door and when we walked in I wasn't really surprised I mean I live with a rich family and Niall has money it's nothing new to me. He than led me up to his room shut the door and kissed me. I'm not going to lie that was possibly the best kiss I have ever had. After that things got pretty heated and you can probably guess what happened after that. Happy birthday to me!

        I woke up the next morning to the birds chirping  and a massive headache. When I looked over no one was beside me. Maybe it was just a dream but this wasn't my room or my bed. I walked down stair to the smell of bacon. "Good morning I hope you slept well." Niall said with a smile. "Do you have any Advil?"I asked. "Oh yeah here you go." Niall said handing me the bottle and some water than laying a plate with bacon, eggs and pancakes on it. Wow he was really nice and it's good to see him where I'm not drunk off my ass. "Thank you. You know I've never done this before but wasn't I supposed to like run out after I woke up?" I asked. "Most of the time yes but I wasn't going to let you leave with a empty stomach." He said with a smile you know his Irish accent is really hot. Snap out of it London you'll probably never see him again after this.

         "Hey good morning the gang is all here!" Someone yelled coming into the house. "Oh yeah Niall made pancakes." A tall boy said. "Uh Niall are you going to introduce us to your friend." One of the boys asked. " I'm London and I was just leaving that you for the breakfast Niall it was really lovely but I need to get home I'm moving today." I said leaving the house. I am a idiot why would I sleep with one of the biggest singers in the world? I will never see or talk to Niall again so I'm just going to put this behind me.

Nialls POV
      "Nice going Louis I was gonna give her a ride home." I said punching Louis. " Niall we have never seen that girl before. Did you two?" Harry asked. "I'm not talking about it we where drunk." I said placing a egg on Harry plate. "Hell if that was me I would run after her." Harry said. "Dude it's not a fair tale." Zayn said with a laugh.  "Did you at lest get her number?" Liam asked.  "Was I supposed to?" I asked looking at the boys. " I mean you didn't have to but you probably should have I mean she was a pretty girl." Zayn said. "Haha don't let Perrie hear that." Louis said. "Louis don't even dare you know I didn't mean It." Zayn said.  Should I have gotten her number. You know what it doesn't matter I'll never see her again anyways.

        "Did you at least catch her name?" Liam asked as he put his plate in the sink. "Oh yeah it was London.Why?" I asked. As soon as I asked that Liam pulled out his phone I knew exactly what he was doing. He was going to look her up. "I looked up people named London and this is what popped up" Liam said showing us his phone. "It says her mother is a famous model and she has a reality show and her daughter London is a new Model who is just getting started with her career. They are all verified on social media." Liam read out loud. "You know one thing I liked about her was that she didn't know who I was." I said with a smile. "What how?" Louis asked. "She said she doesn't listen to us she's more of a 5Sos and Jonas brothers girl." I said. "Oh makes sense I guess." Harry said.

        "Hey we should get going we have rehearsal." Zayn said. We than left the house and went straight to rehearsal I knew I had to forget about London because I would never see her again. So I put all of my attention to rehearsal and rehearsal only I wasn't going to let a girl distract me from my work. That's one thing I am good at.

Hi! I promise there will be more Niall POVs later on in the story but thing do get more interesting.

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