Chapter 10

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*3 months later*

London's POV

I'm scared about today, I met Niall in less than 20 minutes. I agreed to meet him at the airport. He asked where the best place to meet up was and I told him I have my own place and that I would pick him up from the airport. Nothing can go wrong right? I just a text from Niall that read. I just landed let me know when you get here. I told him I would be by the front entrance. He said he would be there in 10 minutes. "Hey just to make sure your London right don't want to leave with the wrong person." He said with a laugh. "Yes i'm London." I said with a smile. "Alright lets hurry up and get our of here. There's paps everywhere and they are taking pictures." He said leading me out the door. "Nice car." He said. "Thank you, do you want anything to eat?" I asked leaving the airport. "Sure I can go for some food." He said. "Okay what would you like? I can cook something when we get to my place or I can go through a drive through. or even call take out." I said. "I would feel more comfortable if we ordered or if you cooked at your place." He said. I understand that he doesn't want anyone to notice him right now or at least until he gets settled in.

       "Okay this is my apartment." I said opening the door. "I really like your place." He said. "Thank you, you can make yourself comfortable. So what would you like to eat?" I asked. "It doesn't matter to me I can eat anything." he said with a smile. "Uh would you like Chipotle?" I asked. "Yeah that actually sounds really good." He said. I ordered are food and went to the living room and sat on the couch. I told Niall he didn't have be weird and he came and sat next to me. "Might as well get used to each other." I said with a smile. "Yeah so uh whats your favorite color?" He asked, i could tell he was awkward and I don't blame him. "Yellow how about you?" I asked. "Green." He said.

      "So why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?" I asked. People probably think i'm weird not knowing anything about Niall. "I'm originally from Mulligar, its a small town in Ireland. I have one older brother and I have a nephew named Theo. I love food, music has always been my passion. I'm in a band with four other boys who are like my brothers by now. I'm 21 and that's about it. Now its your turn." Niall said with a smile. "Okay well i'm 21 i'm from Beverly Hills, I have 3 siblings. My older sister Maggie is my rock. I have 2 nieces named Cameron and Lilly and nephew Colin. I'm a model and I love my job. I'm a very emotional and shy person. I love to go to the beach with my sister and Cameron. My dad is also from England and I miss him a lot." I said. "Oh who's your dad? If you don't mind me asking." He said. "His name is Greg Conner's hes a designer for various things." I said with a smile. "Oh I know Greg he has designed a lot of stages for us hes a really nice lad." He said with a smile. "Yeah he really is." I said with a smile.

       "So how have you been feeling?" He asked. "To be honest I have days where I feel like shit and days where I feel great. I'm just tired all the time." I said. "I'm sorry." He said. "Its okay its all worth it in the end." I said with a smile. "So who all knows about the baby?" Niall asked. "My 2 best friends and my family. Do other 4 boys know?" I asked. "I did tell them they where very understanding and I told my family, I haven't told Simon yet i'm not ready for that yet. Does anyone know about me?" He asked. "The only one that knows is my friend but she figured it out her self I didn't tell her and she promised she wouldn't tell anyone." I said hoping he wouldn't get mad at me. "Oh that's okay but uh can we not let what happened that night get in the way of any of this?" He asked. "Yeah that would be a good idea." I said.

       Are food arrived and we sat down to eat. "So what do you do for fun?" I asked. "I don't get much time off other than holidays and a break form tour." He said than took a bite out of his food. "That sucks normally I lay around and go to the beach. I only work 3 times a week because I'm just starting." I said looking up to him. "I have gotten used to being on the road but its okay because I love my job and wouldn't change a single thing." He said with a smile. "That's all that matters right?" I asked all he did was nod. After we ate Niall and I sat down and watched a movie called The Heat it was really good. "Oh its getting late I need to go find a hotel." Niall said. "You can stay here if you want. I have a extra room I haven't turned it into the babies room yet. That's up to you, you don't have to if you don't want to." I said with a smile. "Oh I don't want to be in the way." He said. "Its the least I could do." I said. He than put down his bag and nodded his head. "Okay ill show you to the room." I said leading him to the guest room. "Thank you London."

      He said with a smile. "If you need anything let me know, their are towels in the bathroom if you need a shower and there are extra blankets the hallway closet." I said. "I think i'm all set." he said. "Okay than i'm headed to bed i'm tired." I said. Niall and I said goodnight and I left the room. I turned everything off in the living room and kitchen and headed to bed to be honest i'm happy with how today turned out. I'm hoping nothing gets in the way because the last thing I need is to be stressed out right now.

Hi! So here is the first part of London and Niall meeting and getting to know each other. I hope you liked it!

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