Chapter 25

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A/N~ TW Close to the end of this chapter there is a mention of self harm. Please do not read if it's to sensitive.

London's POV
It's two weeks before Christmas and I'm scrambling around the kitchen trying to make food Nialls family like. I currently have stew on the stove with homemade sourdough bread in the oven. I'm making apple cake for dessert which sounds really good although I've never made it. "Alright their plane lands at 3:30 so I'm going to go head to the airport. Mm smells so good in here." Niall said as he walked in the kitchen with Addison in his arms. "Thank you I'm making our supper." I said with a chuckle.

"London you don't have to do all of this for my family we are all normal people." Niall said. At the corner of my eye I seen Niall stick a spoon in the stew. "Niall wait till supper." I said as I playfully slapped the shoulder that our daughter wasn't laying on. "Sorry it smells good I couldn't help myself." He said with a chuckle. "Okay for this apple cake how do I make the custard ?" I asked as I started chopping up apples. "Uh I'm not sure this book says the put a few chopped apples in the chopper than stain into the custard:" he said as he read out the directions. I nodded and gave him a smile.

"I'll take her and you go and pick up your family." I said as I carefully took Addison. "Alright I'll be back in a bit." He said with a smile than left. As soon as Niall left the house Addison let out a loud cry. "Oh baby he's coming right back. You miss him already?" I asked. I know that once she gets a bit older it's going to be hard getting her away from Niall. He already has her rapped around his finger. "Shhh it's okay." I said as I got her to calm down. I placed her in her swing with a pacifier and in a matter of minutes she was back to sleep.

As soon as I knew for sure that Addison was asleep I went back into the kitchen and finished up dinner. I took the sourdough out of oven and placed it on the bread rack and put the cake in the oven. I don't think my apartment has ever smelt so good. I kinda feel bad that his family can't stay here but I only have two rooms and there's his mom, dad, and brother. So I agreed to pay for there hotel even though Niall wouldn't let me at first. I set the table up nice and lit a few apple cinnamon candles and walked back to the living room and stared at my baby girl with a smile on my face.

"London we are back." I heard. I'm so nervous My hands are sweating. I got up and walked to the front of the house. Niall's mom walked up to me and gave me a smile. "Oh honey it is so lovely to meet you." She said than gave me a hug and I hugged her back. "I'm Bobby Nialls father." He said with a smile and held out his hand for me to shake. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile. "This is Greg, and Denise." Niall said than I said hi. "Aw who's this little guy." I said as I crouched down and smiled at him. "This is Theo buddy say hi." Greg said. Theo than waved his hand and I waved back. They are all so nice.

"Sorry it took us so long." Niall said. "No it's okay." I said with a smile. "Well dinner is ready." I said. Niall led everyone to the dinning room and took a seat. "London this looks amazing." Niall said. "Thank you." I said. "Honey you didn't have to do all of this for us." Maura said. "No it's the least I could do plus you all just be hungry you had a long flight so go ahead and dig in." I said with a smile. Niall. mouthed thank you and I gave him a smile and started eating.

"So how is Niall treating you?" Greg asked. "Greg be polite." Denise said. "It's okay, Niall has been a very lovely guy." I said with a chuckle. "Just making sure he's not being a ass." He said. Niall looked at me a rolled his eyes and I let out a soft laugh. Everyone had finished eating and I went to the kitchen and Maura fallowed me. "London." She said. "Oh my you scared me." I said as I jumped a little. "I'm sorry sweetie I just wanted to say thank you." She said. "Maura it's okay I didn't mind doing this." I said with a smile.

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