Chapter 12

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London's POV
       I woke up feeling warm, when I looked up I noticed I fell asleep on Niall. I'm a idiot why did I fall asleep? I carefully got out of nialls arms and when to the kitchen to make myself a breakfast sandwich. I heard someone walking into the kitchen and soon took a seat at the table.

     "Morning." He said. "Good morning do you want a sandwich?" I asked. He than nodded his head. I made scrambled eggs, bacon, I also cut up a avocado, tomato, and I put some English bread in the toaster. "I hope you don't mind scrambled eggs I can have dippy because of the baby." I said. "That's okay." He answered with a smile. I placed our sandwiches on the island and poured us a glass of juice than we dug in.

   "Hey I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean to fall asleep on you. Sorry if I made things weird." I said placing my plate in the sink. "No need to say you sorry you where tired and fell asleep it happens." He said with a chuckle at the end. I gave him a shy smile and took his plate. "Let me help you clean up." Niall said starting up from his chair. "No it's fine I got it." I said starting the sink. "Please you are letting me stay with you, the least I could do is help you clean up." He said with a smile. "Fine." I said with a chuckle.

    "Do you" I was cut off by a knock on the door who could it be no one is in town and I told everyone I'm busy this week. I looked through the peep mirror and to my surprise Maggie, Cameron and her husband where stand right there. I can't open my door I mean Niall is here Maggie would totally freak. "Damnit, shit." I whispered. "Uh you okay over there?" Niall asked. "Okay I know I told you we wouldn't have any unexpected visitors but my sister is out there and she is like obsessed with you. I told her not to come." I said quite fast.

    "What's the harm?" He asked taking his eyes off the sink and looking at me. "Uh Niall my friend is the only one that knows about you." His eyes widened I think he forgot. I mean I can't not answer the door maybe if I wait they will just leave. After about five minutes she knocked again. Damn here goes nothing. "Hey sis what's up thought you guys where in New York?" I asked. Not going to lie I'm really nervous I mean what is she going to say when she walks in here and sees Niall Horan casually washing the dishes.

     "Uh can we come in?" She asked with a confused smile. I welcomed them in and just to my luck Cameron ran straight to the kitchen. "Mommy, Daddy someone's in NiNis house." Dang it. Maggie got up and ran to the kitchen to make sure Cam was okay and I followed right behind her. "Cammie honey are you-" she got cut off once Niall turned around. "Oh.My.God!" She screamed.

     "Your Niall Horan, your standing in front of me in my sisters kitchen. Wait why is Niall Horan in your kitchen washing dishes?" I have never seen my sister freak out this bad it was kinda funny. "Uh we are friends he's staying here for a few days." I lied. "Why are you making Niall Horan do the dishes, you should be doing them he's a star!" She said. "No no I offered she's done so much for me already. Plus I already finished them no big deal." He said with a smile. 

     We all moved to the living room after Maggie finally calm Ed down a bit, took some pictures and had Niall sign some thing. Boy did I feel bad! I kinda wanted to reach over and strangle her she's so embarrassing. "So how did you and Niall even meet?" She asked. Here comes the question. Niall and I looked at each other and gave each other unpromising smiles. "Well funny story actually London you wanna tell it." Niall said then scratched the back of his head. "Well about 9 months ago Niall and I met in a caffe and talked a bit than decided we wanted to be friends." Lies.

    "Oh that cool does he know about the baby." Well of course Maggie you didn't know well Niall Horan is the babies dad. "Well he does now." I said with a smile I lied again. "Oh I'm sorry I figured he knew." Maggie said. Well he's kinda known the entire time but we don't need to talk about that. "So Niall and you met in a caffe and decided to be friends? Good I wish I where you." I nodded. But I lied again I can't keep lying to my big sister it's not right should I just come clean and say it. I gave Niall a sad smile and he nodded. "Okay Maggie I need you to listen to me please." I said taking a deal breath.

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