Chapter 12

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Sorry for the wait guys!

Okk nothing important really happened other than *ahem* shower activities....😏



The two women opened the door to see all of the kids standing outside the bedroom. They all perked up and started giggling. Opal stood up and made her way over with a big grin.

"You two enjoy your shower? Your one shared, loud shower?"

With that all of the Beifongs except Su burst out laughing as Kuvira and Suyin turned a bright red.

"No I don't think you understand, you guys are LOUD," Wei chuckled and high fived Wing.

"I mean I didn't know you were that loud mom, but Kuvira was even louder!" Huan joined in laughing.

The kids all kept cracking jokes for a while before Opal pulled everyone into the living room where they sat around a table playing uno. Wing eventually flipped the table when Wei won. Then they went for a family hike, and went swimming in the river near the city.They spent hours in the sun. Kuvira was surprised that Huan was there, although he was bending little shapes into the sand. She fell asleep on the shore after a while in the sun with Su chatting happily with her artistic son about spirits know what. They all felt so relaxed and happy there being with each other.

Su nudged her girlfriend awake and they made their way home. Everyone was exhausted and ready for bed. Kuvira slid on her pajamas and sat on the bed waiting for Su, who came over and started pulling twigs and leaves out of her hair and brushing it. The feeling of her hair being combed through was so relaxing, she fell asleep sitting up with her head propped on her hand. Su chuckled before brushing her own hair, setting the brush down on her nightstand and then pulling her sleeping girlfriend into her arms. Today was perfect.


Ok, yeah its short. I know. But I'm posting again this week. I promise lol. And it wont be a puny post like this. But yeah. Things are perfect for them right now.

Hope you liked it!

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