Chapter 4

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After a while, Kuvira heard soft snoring from the woman in her arms. Smirking, she picked her up gently and brought her to the guest room and laid her on the bed. She cupped Su's face, rubbing her thumb across her cheek, smiling. Su is so pretty, Kuvira mused to herself. She pulled the blankets up over the sleeping woman's shoulders before lifting the luggage off the bed. Just as she was about to leave, she made her way over to Su, leaning over to kiss her temple as she slept. She backed out of the room, watching the matriarch as she slowly closed the door.


Kuvira went to her desk and started filling out the schedule for her guards this next week. She was going to take some time off to help sort things out with Su. After she was finished, she stretched and changed into pajamas again. She tried to sleep but she couldn't. Grumbling she slid out of bed to go make some tea.

In the kitchen, she accidentally dropped the tea kettle, which landed on her exposed foot. She yelped and fell on the ground with a loud thud. Shit I hope I didn't wake her, Kuvira thought as she got back on her feet, limping a little bit. She bent to pick up the kettle and she looked up to see a very sleepy Su. Damnit.

"Are you okay?" Su slurred.

"Yeah I'm ok. Just dropped this on my foot," Kuvira held up the kettle.

"Mmm ok" Su said sleepily

Kuvira turned to fill the kettle with water then put it on the stove. As she did she felt arms wrap around her waist and Su's chin rest on her shoulder.

"You're blushing," Su murmured, her eyes closed.

"Am not," Kuvira snorted back, slowly getting redder.

"Mmhmm," Su sniffed.

Kuvira was saved from responding by the sound of the tea kettle whistling. Su let go of the younger woman, wincing at the noise. The captain turned off the heat and cracked the lid to stop the noise. She turned and opened the tea cabinet, grabbed chamomile tea and prepared two teacups. The Captain made her way over to the table where Su was sitting, chin in her hands. She accepted the cup with a smile as the younger woman sat next to her. They sat in silence until Su started playing with Kuvira's hair, her cheeks turning slightly pink. With a smirk, Kuvira gently took Su's hand in her own, entwining their fingers, then taking another drink from her tea. She saw the older woman flush red and hide her face in her tea.

"Now who's blushing,"


The next morning, Kuvira left Su note saying she would be back in an hour or two. She also told her not to answer the door.

After stopping by the Guard compound to drop off the schedule, she made her way to the grocery store to pick up a few things. Then after all her errands we're done, she went to go get breakfast for Su and herself. Kuvira stopped at a small diner near her house and ordered some sausage muffins. She paid, dropping the right amount on the counter then turned to sit and look out the window. A few minutes passed before they called out her name.

She opened the door to find Su making tea in the kitchen. She set the food on the table and brought her groceries into the kitchen to put away. She smiled at the older woman, who shyly smiled back. Kuvira gestured to the food on the table

"Go sit down, I'll finish this," She murmured

Su nodded and Kuvira finished making the tea, sitting down beside the older woman after pouring them both a cup of tea. They ate in silence, sitting for a while after finishing their food. Suddenly there was a sharp knock at the door, followed by someone fighting with the lock.

"Go sit in my room with the door shut," Kuvira nudged her.

She waited until the door was shut behind Su slowly open the door, scowling.

"SHE'S DIVORCING ME?" Bataar was back.

Kuvira huffed. "Well yeah? Why wouldn't she, with how you cheated on her like that? You hurt her, and yesterday, you SCARED her. I wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to see you aga-"

She was cut off by a fist slamming into her face. She stagered back for a moment, trying to see even though her vision was blurred from the pain. Enraged she grabbed his arm as he tried to run past her and threw him out of her home. She slammed the door and called the police, blood dripping down from her nose.

Kuvira snapped her neck up when she heard a door. Her expression softened when she saw Su with her hands over her mouth.

"It's not that bad," Kuvira choked out.

Su scurried into the kitchen, grabbed the first aid kit, and went to fix up Kuvira's nose. Moments later a scuffle was heard outside and Bataar could be heard yelling. There was a short rapping on the front door

"Stay here, ok?" Kuvira murmured, cupping Su's cheek.

Standing up, the captain went to the door, opening it slowly. The police were here, and they were struggling with Bataar.

The officer grimaced at Kuvira's now bruising nose. "I take it you called?" The man questioned, knowing the answer. Kuvira nodded

"We're gonna take him in, but I need to take a statement from you on what happened," the young officer stated.

Kuvira nodded again, her nose starting to bleed again. "Hang on, do you wanna come in this'll take a minute," She angled her head upward and the man followed her into the kitchen, where Su sat Kuvira down and fixed her nose with the first aid supplies. The cop took down notes of the disturbance, then tipped his head after, exiting the house leaving the two alone once more.

"You never told me he showed up before," Su was looking into Kuvira's eyes, searching for answers. After a moment, Kuvira met the emerald eyes for a moment and looked away.

"I-" Kuvira thought for a moment. "I didn't want you to freak out and run away again. He was just as animated then as now. I think the only reason he left was Aiwei,"

"Oh." Su cupped Kuvira face, pulling it up to face hers. "Look at me,"

With a deep breath, the captain complied, looking back into Su's soft green eyes.

"Thank you." She whispered

Kuvira put her hand up to Su's and gave a small smile. A small knock was heard at the door. So many interruptions. Kuvira muttered to herself as she got up to get the door, Su following close behind. They opened the door, and Su gasped.



Lin has arrived!!!

I hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

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