Chapter 9

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Sorry for the break in updates. I have been having some issues going on in my life and everything seems to be rising to the surface now. I will keep updating, I promise.

Also, Kuvira is about ten years older than she was in the show.


Su and Kuvira made their way to the courthouse for hopefully what would be the last time for a while. Su was nervous to be around Bataar like that again, but she knew Kuvira wouldn't be far, and that there were going to be capable guards there. They walked into the courtroom to prepare for the court.


Personally i've never been to court so idk how to write it, sooooo time skip to after it was done.


Kuvira wrapped her arms around her girlfriend as they made their way home. Lin and Kya decided to give them some space after they finished at the courthouse. Su was understandably tired and upset. She got to keep her estate and property, but Bataar was to get a sizable portion of the money they had. Not terrible, but it was a very difficult process because Bataar fought everything. At least the kids are adults or this would've been a nightmare, Kuvira pondered. She let out a deep breath. They were back at Kuvira's house.

They went inside and changed into pajamas. It was only 5pm, but they were exhausted, so they just got in the bed. Su let out a sigh and scooted closer to the younger woman. Kuvira gave her a kiss on the forehead before pulling her closer and falling asleep, soft snores escaping her mouth. Su couldn't sleep. She kept worrying about what would happen when Bataar was released from jail. She tossed and turned for a little while, before accidentally waking Kuvira.

"Can't sleep?" She yawned, hugging Su loosely. She nodded with a deep sigh. Kuvira sat up and gently pulled Su into her arms, carrying her into the bathroom.

"I can walk on my own, you know,"

"I know," Kuvira chuckled as she let the older woman stand on her own before turning on the bath tap, making sure it was warm.

Su sat down on the counter as she watched Kuvira move around the bathroom getting bubble bath and candles ready before turning off the lights. After getting everything ready, Kuvira turned to face Su, who had gotten off the counter and was slowly undressing her. She smirked before unbuttoning the matriarch's pajama shirt, then continuing the process until they were both naked. Kuvira pulled Su close before gingerly placing a kiss on her lips, helping her into the bath then sliding in beside her. As she went to relax beside Su, she was pulled into the shorter woman's lap. She felt fingers running through her hair and an arm snaking around her abdomen, holding her close. Su pulled her hand from her hair before hugging across her chest and laying her cheek on Kuvira's head.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Kuvira asked her.

Su took a moment to respond. Kuvira pulled forward and turned to face her girlfriend, who looked away. "I'm worried about what's going to happen when Bataar's sentence is up. I think he thinks this is all your and my fault. I also think he's going to go after you and then-"

Kuvira cut her off by stroking her jaw lightly. "I won't let that happen, ok? If he does try to hurt you or I, we call the police. But we don't have to think about that for a whole year, ok? Forget about it for a little while. Forget him." Kuvria pulled Su close into a tight, almost constrictive grasp. She buried her face in her girlfriend's long black hair, inhaling the scent of the soap on her hair. Kuvira lightly stroked her back, whispering softly. "Forget him."


After a while wrapped in each other's arms, kuvira felt her girlfriend yawn against her. "I think maybe it's time we get out and back into bed." Su nodded off, falling asleep. Kuvira gently prodded her and lifted her up to her feet. They dried off before putting their pajamas back on. Kuvira then scooped Su up and laid her in the bed before crawling in beside her. She moved to hold her in her arms like she always did, but she was stopped by Su flipping her over and forcing her to be the little spoon. This really surprised kuvira, but as she felt Su's gentle breathing on her neck her eyelids began to droop. They fell asleep quickly, kuvira held tightly in Su's arms.


Kuvira woke abruptly with a gasp as she felt Su's nails dig into her. With difficulty, Kuvira managed to pry her off before lightly shaking her awake. Su was sweating and had labored breathing. Su hid her face in her knees before her girlfriend took her into her arms.

"Hey you're ok, Su," She cooed, stroking her back. "Everything is going to be ok."

Su gradually calmed down and sunk into Kuvira's warm body, still shivering.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" The younger woman asked lightly.

Su let out a broken sob. " He came after m-me and you tried to protect me a-and then he hit you a-and you didn't get up-p..." She broke out crying into Kuvira's neck. She hugged her girlfriend tightly rubbing slow comforting circles on her back. After a while she heard soft snores. I hate how much he affects her. Kuvira thought to herself as she laid back down holding Su, only dozing off in case she had another nightmare.


Thanks for reading!

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