Chapter 7

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So, I'm gonna warn you right now, there is smut in this chapter. Ill put a recap in the beginning of the next chapter for those not interested in reading anything sexual in nature.


The door to Kuvira's room burst open, Lin and Kya both laughing their asses off. Both sleeping women groaned and held each other tighter. The headaches were unbearable. Kuvira squinted her eyes open into an unfocused glare at the other two idiots, while Su roughly growled and turned into Kuvira's chest.

"Are you two hungover?" Lin's eyes widened at the thought.

"Fuck off, Lin." Su groaned.

Lin only laughed harder, and came and ripped off the blankets. "Time to get up!" she exclaimed with a little too much joy in her voice.

Kuvira glared more. "Can you please control your girlfriend, Kya? This is unbearable." she muttered.

Kya only chuckled and shook her head. "Lin is in charge, not me."

Su only glared at Lin. We are getting a platinum lock. Su thought angrily.

"Well, I would get up soon. Bataars's trial is in 3 hours and they want you both to be witnesses, for obvious reasons. We will come with you." Lin and Kya went into the front room to wait for the others to get ready. Kuvira pulled Su out of bed and into the kitchen for some painkillers. After taking them, they groggily went into their separate rooms. Su dressed in one of her nicer outfits, much like her normal ones but with black embroidery on it, and more detail on the large neck piece that she wore. She came back into the front room to see Kuvira dressed in a dark green suit with a lighter vest and white shirt underneath. She was holding a tie and began tying it. Su smiled at her weakly, the painkillers barely starting to kick in.

"Well, lets go!" Kya grabbed Lin around the waist and dragged her out the door, the others lagging behind.

Su leaned her head on Kuvira, holding her arm. "We are getting a platinum lock for your door today," she muttered.

"Agreed," the taller woman sighed. "Agreed."


Kuvira was walking Su down the steps of the courthouse. It was not a pleasant experience. Su had cried as she recounted her version of the events, as well as being asked about any previous violent behavior, to which she reluctantly added in the event that occurred in front of her children. The police report also stated that Bataar resisted arrest, adding to his charges. The Jury ended up deciding to sentence him to a year in prison. It was sad for her to see her husband in such a rage, and towards her, of all people, for the consequences of his actions.

With a sigh, they joined back up with Lin and Kya, deciding they needed to go and get a new lock for Kuvira's door. They didn't tell her sister or her girlfriend what they were looking for. They found a nearby hardware store, and the two couples split off in different directions. Lin and Kya got lost in the floral section, looking at the different cactuses and succulents, while Kuvira and Su headed in the direction of the door hardware. They bought the most expensive platinum lock and waved the other two over. Lin and Kya ran over with a tiny cactus and a rainbow flower pot. After they made their purchase, the small group stopped at Kuvira's place to drop everything off.

"I know you two had one yesterday, but let's go get a drink!" Kya said enthusiastically.

Su glanced up at kuvira. She gave a small shrug. "Yeah ok. But we are not getting drunk."

They headed to the same bar as the day prior and sat down in a booth. They talked and laughed about nothing in particular, ending up drunk anyway despite their intentions not to. They just weren't as drunk as yesterday. As they all made their way to home. The older couple grabbed the cactus and flower pot before leaving. Kuvira grabbed the new lock and got to work installing it, drunk. Su wasn't helping as she came up and held onto Kuvira's waist, biting behind her jaw. Kuvira had a hard time focusing. She undid Su's arms and turned around, pinning Su to the other wall. She kissed her roughly before whispering in Su's ear.

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