Chapter 6

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Lin giggled as Kya tickled her. "K-kya s-stopp it," she sucked in a breath. "You're gonna wake themmm,"

Kya chuckled as she let Lin go. Lin bent the lock to Kuvira's house open and made their way to the guest room. They saw Su's stuff strewn about the room, but no Su, Lin looked at Kya, confused.


For the record, Kuvira gave them permission. They aren't breaking and entering.


"Let's see if Kuvira knows where she is," Kya suggested. Lin nodded in agreement.

They stood up and made their way over to Kuvira's room and Kya opened the door. Her jaw dropped. Lin looked up at her

"What? What's going on?" Lin pried the door out of Kya's hands and matched Kya's expression as she saw Kuvira's arms wrapped around her little sister.

She pulled Kya back and gently shut the door again. She led Kya back into the kitchen and they both started laughing.

"We HAVE to stay here till they get up," Kya eagerly whispered.

Lin nodded. "Let's make them breakfast," she said with a mischievous grin.


Su stirred, blinking her eyes slowly. The small movement caused the arms around her to tighten and she felt Kuvira take a deep breath before relaxing again. Su wiggled a little bit getting Kuvira to loosen her grip a little so she could turn around and kiss her on the nose. Kuvira let out a small groan and squeezed Su against her again, pressing her face into Su before mumbling something and beginning to snore again. Su sighed and relaxed. She wasn't going anywhere. Might as well go back to sleep. She yawned and closed her eyes

After about two hours, Kuvira woke up. She looked at a sleeping Su right in front of her face and took a deep breath. Stroking Su's face, she leaned forward to kiss her. The sleeping woman's eyes fluttered open, then closed again as she pressed back into Kuvira's lips, only to have her pull away, smirking.

"Good morning beautiful," Kuvira grinned.

Su stretched and pulled the younger woman on top of her.

"Hey gorgeous," she responded with a lazy smile on her face.

The door suddenly busted open scaring the hell out of the two women. Lin and Kya ran in.

"HAHA! We caught you!" Kya said proudly, high fiving Lin.

Both Su and Kuvira glanced at each other, flushing a deep red.

"Now come on, the food is gonna get cold!" The two older women ran out of the room laughing their asses off.

With a collective sigh, the younger couple slipped out of bed and followed.


"So why didn't you tell us you were together?" Kya asked, her tone teasing.

"We uh-" Su started, then looked at Kuvira.

"We weren't together yet," She finished quietly.

Kya and Lin shared a look. "You mean it started last night?" Lin asked, nudging her sister.

"I guess?" Kuvira scratched her head, blushing.

"How?" Lin and Kya asked at the same time.

Su turned red and covered her mouth while Kuvira looked away, also blushing.

Kya smirked. "Who kissed who first?" She teased.

"I- uh, I don't know what you're talking about..." Kuvira mumbled.

Kya chuckled and grabbed Lins hand. "Ok I'll leave you alone. I'm making no promises about Lin,"

Lin had a smirk on her face as she stared at Su intently. Su gulped.


This is such a painful conversation I just cannttttt

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Lin asked.

"We're gonna go check on the kids, then head to the courthouse to put in the divorce papers." Su said thoughtfully.

"I'm gonna tag along. I took the week off,"Kuvira added.

Lin smirked as she looked at Kya, who rolled her eyes.

"Well, let's go!" Kuvira blurted out, standing abruptly.

The others followed suit. Kya and Lin made their way out first, the younger couple following them out. Su slid her hand into Kuvira's and the taller woman smiled down at her.


Opal ran up and gave her mom a hug, noticing her hand in Kuvira's. She grabbed their hands and held them up, smirking at her mothers red face before letting go.

The group went to go check on everyone before gathering everyone and letting everyone know what happened yesterday. They all nodded. They kind of expected something like that to happen after the last time they saw their parents in the same room. After giving everyone a hug they turned to leave. Su heard Lin let out a snicker as she felt strong arms shove her into Kuvira, knocking both of them to the floor, Su falling on Kuvira with a grunt. Grumbling, they both glared at the officer before getting to their feet. Kuvira wrapped her arm around Su's waist and ushered her out, continuing to glare at Lin, who was now getting smothered in a hug from Kya.

"Kya you're making it hard to walk!" She growled. Kya only grinned.

"That's what you get for shoving Su!" She playfully growled back.

The younger couple chuckled as they made their way to the courthouse to submit the paperwork for the divorce. Kuvira protectively had her arm around Su as they left, although Su felt mostly fine. She still liked the way she felt when Kuvira touched her so she didn't comment on it and just went with it.

"Hey, we're gonna head back to our room, we'll catch up with you later," Kya said with a wink.

Lin swatted at Kya. "Don't wink that'll make them think..." She trailed off.

Su smirked and nodded. As they watched them walk away Su turned to Kuvira.

"Let's go get a drink," She suggested.

Kuvira's expression turned wry. "You aren't drinking your problems away, are you?" She accused.

"No I just wanna get a drink with a beautiful woman," she replied, feigning a hurt expression.

Kuvira chuckled. "Ok, lead the way, pretty lady,"


They went to a bar nearby Kuvira's apartment and ordered some drinks. They talked and laughed for hours, the empty glasses beginning to fill the table. They went over to the counter and Su paid the tab. She staggered out of the bar with Kuvira, before long reaching the house. As the came up to the front door, Kuvira slammed Su up against the door, mashing their lips together. After a minute she broke the kiss and picked Su up, giggling. She opened the door and kicked it behind her as Su kissed her neck, moving to nip behind her ear. Kuvira brought them to the bedroom and collapsed on the bed on top of Su, pinning her down. She smiled at the sight of Su underneath her. She leaned in and kissed her. Su tugged on her back as she felt Kuvira's tongue fight her own. After about an hour, they broke apart, too tired to continue. Kuvira pulled her lover close, nuzzling her hair. She stroked Su's body as they both fell into a drunken sleep, snoring sporadically.


Hehe you thought

I hope you liked this chapter. The dialogue was an absolute nightmare to write but it needed doing. I know I made Lin a lot more open and teasing, it'll be explained more in the Kyalin book, but yeah.

Thanks for reading

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