Chapter 1

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So for this I'm writing as if Su didn't raise Kuvira. Anyway, enjoy.

Su sat at her desk, only to be startled by Aiwei bursting through the door. Newspaper in hand, he rushed up to her.

"Suyin have you read or heard the news yet today?" He sputtered out.

Her expression turned wry as she slowly shook her head, urging him to continue. Taking a deep breath, Aiwei handed her the paper.

"Suyin Beifong Has Competition For Her Husband" (I had so much trouble coming up with a headline)

Su felt her mouth dry out and her eyes started to sting. Bataar couldn't have done that. Not her Bataar. Not to her. Her mind went reeling trying to deny it, but the picture was unmistakable. There Was Bataar, wrapped around another woman.

Glancing up at Aiwei she let out a strangled sigh. "T-thank you for telling me. I need some time to think,"

Aiwei only nodded, then left, shutting the door gently behind himself. As soon as the door was closed she bent the lock, then let tears stream down her face. How could he? She couldn't bring herself to read further than the first paragraph. What about our children? She let her head fall into her hands. What about me? She let out a scream, knocking her chair to the ground. Letting out another loud sob she flipped her desk, and with that began throwing things in her office before huddling in the corner, exhausted.


Su woke up to the sound of hushed voices outside her door, and the lock unlatching. She rubbed at her eyes, opening them slowly to see Kuvira rush over to her the moment she saw su on the floor.

"Su are you ok? What happened in here?" Kuvira asked quietly, her eyes sweeping the room.

Su looked like hell. She'd torn her clothes in the process of destroying her office, and there were very dark circles under her eyes. She weakly looked up at Kuvira, not meeting her gaze. The lump in her throat was making it hard for her breathe, let alone speak, so she just shook her head and hid her face in her knees.

"I know it's all over the news but I have to talk to her. It's all a big misu-" Bataar started to walk into the room before Kuvira cut him off. "No you need to leave. We all saw what you did. You don't get to talk to her."

Kuvira turned to see the empty spot where Su had been and a swinging back door. She turned and glared at Bataar. "Get out."

Bataar growled and left. After seeing him gone, she went to go find Su.

So what do you guys think?

Thanks for reading!


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