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Third Person

Jaime walked down the long hallway to the other side of the mansion. It was her second day at the place where Angelo took her. The main base of the Sicilian Mafia.

Angelo's men treated her well. She had no problem but every night she had nightmares about her shooting Dante's mother. Nightmares that torment her every night. Causes great sorrow and remorse. She wanted to forget but she could not. She just remembered Dante's face, her tears were dripping. She's scared but she feels of longing Dante's touch. She wants to be his side and cuddled but right now, she couldn't do anything. Thinking that Dante might wants to kill her becuase of what she did. She will hold onto Angelo for now even though, he's suspecious in every way.

She reached the door where Angelo's office then knocked. Without answering, she knocked again. The door opened and Angelo opened the door with messy hair. He frowned at her.

"Come in." He said in a cold drone.

"What happened to you? Why do you look like that?" She asked and sit on his sofa. Annoyance can be seen on Angelo's face and she already knows that he is not in the mood. Angelo stood in his desk and lean a little bit, sitting on the edge. Crossing his arms in his chest and look at her with annoyance.
She tilted her head and saw how cluttered his office was. Everything placed on its desk was on the floor. She looked at the young man again. His two eyebrows still meet.

"Tell me. What's the problem?" She asked the young man angrily. She knows that something was happening.
Angelo stared into her eyes. "Dante is the problem. What did you do to that man and wherever you hide he can still find you? Tell me, Jaime. Are you in love with him?"

Her eyes widened at Angelo's question.

"No! Gosh, no! I am not and I will never."

"Are you sure?"

She was silent. Still staring into his eyes.

"Tell me if you love that idiot because I will not hesitate to kill him. You are mine, Jaime. From then on I own you and that will not change. You are the only one I have no one else."

"Stop it, Angelo! You know you don't own me and I'm not something you can own. So, stop saying that."

Angelo stepped towards her and grabbed her arms and gripped it tightly. "When I say you're mine, you're only mine. And don't question me about that thing. Am I clear?"

Her eyebrows rose and she forced to escape the tightness of his hand wrapped around her arm. Angelo released.

"This is you need to remember Angelo, no matter what you say I don't care. Even if we turn the world upside down you will never own me. What is happening to you and why are you like that? One day you were okay and now claiming me like a thing. Tell me, Angelo! What's going on? "

Angelo fell silent and then pulled out his own hair. He sat on the sofa and leaned back resting his head. She
approached to him and stood in front.


What is your problem?"

"Dante is on his way here and you are the reason." Jaime backed away from what she heard.

Now that Dante has found her, she thought it is because of what she did. That thought made her very nervous.
'He already knew about his mother and who killed her? Will he kill me too? ' In her mind.

"What else are we doing here? Aren't we leaving?" Her voice was trembling.

"No. They can't just enter my house. So you have nothing to worry about." She breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that but still did not lose her nervousness.

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