7. Home

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Another couple of days had passed, the dry texts from Ushijima were getting tiring. The cut-short calls because he was busy, and the 'I love you' 'Me too's' were making her stress out. She'd never felt so anxious in her life for the plane ride to end.

"We'll be arriving at our destination in 10 minutes. Please buckle your seats and get ready for landing." A lady on the intercom surprised the sleeping girl. Her neck pillow didn't help with her weird sleeping position, she looked like she broke her neck. The two glasses of champagne still on her tray, while three sat on Aiya's. They were all hers. Aiya did get worried about Y/n from the amount of times she sighed in 10 minutes.

"Do..you~ think he's gonna *hiccup* pick me up?" Y/n put her head in her hand, her tired eyes trying to look at the annoyed girl beside her.

"Yes. He's been texting you." Aiya said and pointing to the phone that was lighting up. Y/n had to fumble with the phone for literally 3 minutes before it lit up in her face.

I'm waiting near the entrance.
I got us some snacks for the ride home.
Message me when you land.
Oh, just checked that your flight delayed. I'll be in the lot.

Y/n smiled down at her phone and heard her nails click against her screen before she sent her message.

givbk kiss when bdje i get tere

She finished her text off and plopped the phone down in her lap. Aiya just rolled her eyes and put in her earphones waiting for the plane to just land already. Y/n laid her head down on the smaller girls shoulder, her make up rubbing off on Aiya's sweater making her even more annoyed.

Once they felt the sudden jolt of the plane, Y/n let out a scream. The concerned people around them all had to be reassured by Aiya as they watched her draw faces on the window. Y/n hit her head on the ceiling above her about three times before they got into the middle lane, and finally exited the plane.
It didn't help that her dresser made her wear heels for her plane ride, she cursed out the lady and kicked them off. Aiya picking them up behind her and let her walk barefoot to the baggage area. She hurled her suitcase onto a trolley and they made their way out, Y/n sitting on the suitcases and smiling like a kid. But once she saw Ushijima leaning against the car, his phone in one hand and the other in his pocket, she sobered right up.

"Ushi!" She yelled across the lot. Hopping off the trolley and arms open wide as she ran for the tall man.

Ushijima couldn't help but smile at the girl. The way her face swirled up into a giddy smile as she got closer, the more his heart thudded in his chest. He opened his arms and stumbled back by the impact of the girl. He picked her up and twirled her around, her legs dangling as she wrapped her hands around his neck, his arms safely around her hips.

"Y/n." He breathed out and she leaned back to look at his face. Her face flushed instantly and crashed her lips against his. The long awaited feeling of a lover lips against their own, had never felt more amazing.

"She's drunk by the way." Aiya reminded Ushijima who remembered her text.

"No, i'm not~." Y/n turned her head to the girl and waved her off before turning back to Ushijima with a toothy smile.

"I missed ya." She giggled as he set her down, his hands grasping hers as he gazed at her face with loving eyes.

"Me too, baby." He replied with a smile. Oh, how she missed his smile. She felt her heart race and squeezed his hands with the same expression.

"Hey, lovebirds, where's mine?" Aiya asked with her hands on her hips. Looking around for her girlfriend.

"She's waiting back at the house. She's come down with something." Ushijima replied making both the girls gasp.

"Well we better get going!" Y/n exclaimed and rushed back to the baggage hurling it over to the trunk. Ushijima gently set her aside and did it himself as he stacked it nicely.

"Are you not wearing shoes?" Ushijima nodded down to her feet, which were pink from the cold.

"Nah." She waved him off and headed to the passenger side. Ushijima shrugged and finished the suitcases, closing the trunk. He couldn't help but hesitate as his mind went to the morning he woke up in another girls bed.

How would she react?

What would she say?

What will she do?

They all got comfortable in their spots, Y/n's hand setting in Ushijima's as he drove. The roads busier than usual as they headed towards the city. The buildings turning to trees as they got closer, the area turning to land. They eventually stopped in front of a big white house where Aiya hopped out instantly.

"Hey!" Y/n yelled after her, her body half hanging out of the window.

"Ah darn. Let's grab her bags." She smiled over to Ushijima who was admitting her face. His gaze was so intense her smile left, and they just stared at each other.

"Something the matter?" She asked lifting her hand to cup his cheek, the sudden warmth bringing him back to wherever he went. He shook his head and she nodded, opening the door and closed it behind her.

Ushijima couldn't break her heart. Not yet. Not when he's just got her back.

They brought Aiya's bags in, the giggles could be heard from the living room as they left without a sound. The car ride to their condo was silent, not a word spoken between the two. Y/n felt oddly uncomfortable as she glanced at Ushijima every couple minutes, only to be caught and smile.

The security guard welcomed the couple back and into their apartment, the ding of the elevator indicating their arrival. Ushijima carried her heavy stuff, while she had her carryon and purse. She immediately rushed over to the couch and plopped down with a big sigh. Ushijima put on a soft smile and set her luggage down before he joined her. He picked her up easily and set her on his lap, his head on her shoulder as his arms wrapped around her.

"Missed me that much?" She whispered and sent shivers down Ushijima's spine.

"Too much." He squeezed her gently and closed his eyes, being content with just the touch of her skin.

"Me too."

Ushijima's phone

heard she's back today.
cant wait to meet her ;)

𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦~2| 𝑈𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang