Special Chapter 1 :)

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It looked like glitter, falling down onto the sand below.
Rain always did mean good luck on your wedding day.
Their hands locked as they smiled at each other. Their hearts racing in pure love, nothing could get between them; never again. His large hands clasped hers as she looked up at him with excitement in her eyes.

"Wakatoshi Ushijima, do you take Y/n L/n to be your bride?"

"I do."

"Do you, Y/n L/n, take Wakatoshi Ushijima to be your husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you..."

3 hours ago...

Between the crack of the silk curtains, the shining sun gleamed through. Her body cradled up into his side as he still lay asleep, her eyes awaking to the light. A smile playing on her lips as she realized the day to come.

A wedding.

Feeling too giddy to go back to sleep, Y/n kissed Ushijima's cheek and grabbed his hand trailing kisses up his arm. Waking to the surprise, Ushijima watched as she peppered him with love. His heart pounding as she smiled up at him, getting up to straddle his body as she fell onto his body in a hug.

"Excited?" He asked against her hair, his lips giving a sweet kiss.

"Very." She giggled against his chest, his body vibrating against hers.

"Me too, baby." He gave her one last kiss before turning them around. His arms encasing her beneath him, their naked bodies squished together.

But as soon as they were about to share their excitement, a repetitive knock interrupted them. It not stopping until the door was opened by an annoyed Ushijima, with his clothes.

"Busy day! Let's get going!" Aiya let herself be known, walking in like she owned the place as she shook the sheets off Y/n's body. Only to put them back on and give Ushijima an apologetic smile.

"Nothing I haven't seen." She muttered only making Y/n roll her eyes.

"Anyways, we've got things to do! People to see! A wedding to prepare!" She exclaimed, throwing clothes at the bride-to-be. Y/n smiling and getting herself ready as Ushijima got ready to say goodbye until their vow to love each other until the day they part.

"I'm ready. I'll see you soon, lover. I can't wait." She smiled against his lips, Ushijima doing the same as he gave her a longing kiss.

"I'll see you, baby." He said and let her hand fall from his as he watched her walk away. A pained feeling in his heart at the sense of déjà vu.

Ushijima got himself ready to prepare with his best man, Tendō. It wasn't even a question for him to be the best man, it was almost a priority. He chuckled to himself as he remembered Tendō crying at the little gift Y/n had prepared to ask him to be the best man. His arms thrown around Ushijima's and Y/n's shoulder as he cried.

While Ushijima was busy with his friend, Y/n had been running around with Aiya and getting the last minute preparations finished. Tendō's chocolates and desserts obviously mounted the dessert table.

It was a white wedding.

It being an abroad wedding, out near the sea on a beautiful sandy beach. Exotic flowers and plants decorated the place, the guests table white with their own little goodie bags. Wiping the sweat off her head, Y/n was pushed towards Aiya's hotel room where she would be getting ready.

Taking a quick shower, and doing everything she needed in their, she was shoved towards a makeup chair where a hired makeup artist waited.

Aiya was squealing every minute as she looked at Y/n's dress. It was a thin satin material. Simple at that, and a wrap around the waist to accentuate it. A jewelled crown to sit upon her head, and simple pointed toe white heels.

𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦~2| 𝑈𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑗𝑖𝑚𝑎 𝑥 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ