9. Two Lovers No More

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"Do you think they'll like me?" You asked holding onto Ushijima's arm as you walked towards the restaurant.

"Of course they will. They talk about you a lot." He looked down at you, his face soft. He smiled just the tiniest bit and held onto your hand. He opened the door for you, letting you go first as he stuck close behind.

Today was the day you would meet Ushijima's team for the first time. Well, the whole team. Sometimes Kageyama or Hoshiumi would come over rarely to keep Ushijima company. Kageyama and Ushijima seemed much closer now that they became teammates, with their past and all they were good friends.

"Over here!" The small white haired man jumped up, waving us over. I guess he could see us from our tall heights. And Ushijima's even bigger figure. He placed his hand on the small of my back and walked us over, he grabbed my shoulders and took my jacket for me. Sliding out a chair for me to sit in beside a man with a beard and himself.

"It's nice to finally meet you guys!" I smiled and introduced myself, them doing the same. Ushijima sat beside me, resting his arm on the back of my seat. His other hand resting around a glass of water, my hands fidgeting in my lap. Even if I did have to converse with strangers on the daily, I was still so nervous to meet people.

"Ah! There she is! Come here!" Hoshiumi motioned for a girl at the door. Her smaller figure squeezing through the crowd as she made her way here. I brightened up at the sight of another girl, but Ushijima seemed to...hesitate? His arms frozen at his sides as he stared at the girl, his mouth agape and eyes wide. I shrugged it off and stood up, walking towards the girl as she hung up her coat.

"Hi! My names Y/n L/n. It's nice to meet you!" I smiled and the girls smile only seemed to grow as she glanced behind me before back to my eyes.

"Mei Hashi! It's a pleasure! I'm kind of a big fan." She laughed and I joined her. She took a seat in front of me as I sat down in my own. Ushijima seemed to be zoned out as he stared at his glass, the water filled to the brim.

"Ushi... You going to say something?" I asked, tilting my face down to meet his as I placed my hand on his thigh. He flinched at my touch, his wide eyes meeting my soft ones as I pulled my hand back.

"They've met already! At the bar we went to a couple nights ago." Hoshiumi butted in. Himself seated beside the small girl. She was very pretty too. I couldn't help but be envious of her bright blue eyes that seemed to go so well with her shiny black hair. Her beaming smile was definitely one of her best characteristics.

"Ah, I see! Well since everyone's here... Wanna order?" I asked picking up my menu as I shifted closer to Ushijima who was still lost in his own world. I nudged him and placed my hand on his cheek, making sure he was alright.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked noticing a light layer of sweat, and his paled skin.

"Y-Yea. Let's order." He said and rested his hand on my back as we looked at the same menu. Our heads close together, but I couldn't help but feel someone's gaze one me. I looked up meeting Mei's eyes as her scowl turned into a smile. I hesitantly smiled back and went back to the menu.

"Weird." I thought to myself as I shook it off.

The rest of the night was filled with laughs and getting to know one another. We all got along well, especially Mei and I who seemed to hit it off. Though Ushijima was barely even talking, he would only if I nudged him or pinched his thigh. Even with our empty plates and full stomachs, we had all ordered a round of drinks. Me and Mei getting the same thing, while Ushijima stuck with his water.

"So, Mei. What do you do for a living? You seem rich." I said motioning to her diamond in-crested watch. She look down, jingling it a bit before meeting my smile.

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