How good was it?~

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It's been a week now since Karma and I have been going out. And to be honest, it isn't as bad as I thought. So far I have not noticed anything that Karma was telling others about our relationship, he was behaving as he always did in school, so nothing suspicious. And I don't say that because I suspect something, I'm just worried if his behavior will change in some way because of our relationship and people might begin to suspect something. But it doesn't look like it, so I'm happy. Besides, It's hard for me to admit it, but I really like home study dates - maybe we are still rivals at school, but at home, we are completely two different people. The karma doesn't turn out to be as scary and brutal as everyone makes it, and I could even compare him to a cinnamon roll - he's super cute when we're alone.

Recently, he showed me new recipes for various dishes.

"So I made something yesterday-", Karma said holding something behind his back.

"...Oh God kaRMA I SWEAR IF THAT'S AN INSECT I'LL SCREAM-" Shuu said in fear, ready to run away.

"I- What???? No, it's not, come on don't be silly."

".................................what is it then"

"....You have to try it tho when I show it"

"...Will I die?"

".....", ...silence. 


"...Why in all of the things you could think of you choose 'death'??? Of course you won't die"

"But what if I do"
"You won't"

"..........But what if"

Karma sighed, showing Shuu the thing he made - it was a foreign dish he tried to make recently and wanted to share it with Shuu and also hear his opinion on it.

Of course, at first, I was very discouraged from trying his dishes, but he said that I am a coward.

"...It doesn't look bad- but what if it kills me.'', Shuu questioned the whole dish Karma made.

Karma was looking at Shuu, and thought back, even though they have been dating for just a week - so much stuff has happened. He had the feeling of Shuu finally opening up more and showing his true self and he seemed happier, not grumpy, and focused just on his work. Karma was glad to be the one to spend so much time with him. It meant a lot to him.

Back to reality, Karma looked at his confused boyfriend who wasn't sure if Karma wanted to poison him or just made something for the both of them to enjoy. He chuckled at his dorky, more opened up boyfriend. "Don't be stubborn and just try it, you coward. If I lived off my own cooking all this time and I'm still alive, then that means the food is good".

Shuu gasped and looked at Karma with a hand-gesture where his fingertips touch his chest in disbelief in what Karma has just said. "Never say that again", Shuu exclaimed, grabbing a spoon and while keeping eye contact with Karma he tasted a spoonful of the dish. His eyes widened as soon as the food touched his tongue.

Oh my god. This. This is fantastic. Oh Lord- WHAT IS THAT???

Karma grinned at him, knowing exactly what Shuu was thinking, and decided to tease him like he always does.

"Hm~ What do you think?~ Was it disgusting? Oh what a shame~ I'll have to throw it away thennn~", he said teasingly, grabbing the box and walking slowly over to the bin.

"NoOoOoO! It was goodddd!!"

Karma turned around, holding the box high up in the air, and with a blank but still teasing facial expression he asked "How good."


"hm? How good?"

"...very good"

"How? Sorry didn't hear ya~"

"Fuck you, give it to me", he jumped up and grabbed the box.

"Oh~ Now that I think of it, if you would take the sentence you just said without the whole me taking away the box moment, it would have the biggest sexual tension ever, don't you think?", Karma grinned looking Shuu up and down, back to his eyes and crossing his arms.

".................oh my god you're right", Shuu said with his mouthful of food that Karma made, also with a blushy face.

"So~ Since the sentence is so accurate why don't we just go and have some fu-"

"don't you DARE to say it - I'm eating."
"I'll too."

"What??? No way! I'm not giving you anything of that!", Shuu held the box high up in the air backing away.

"Oh that's not what I meant.", Karma grinned, once again looking down Shuu's body.

Shuu stood there with his mouth open. "The audacity of yours-" Shuu gasped in shock.

"Why are you so surprised? Am I not allowed to joke around?", Karma laughed jumping onto the bed in Shuu's bedroom taking his phone out.


Karma didn't hear a response from Shuu so he looked back at him with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?"

"'Joke around'? You- You were joking?"

"Hm? Oh yeah of course-"

"........So- you don't actually want to do anything...?", Shuu asked, slowly putting the food into his mouth while looking at Karma who sat up, putting his phone to the side, his facial expression was confused.

"...I mean- uh well that came so suddenly??? I don't even know how to answer that-"

"Yes or no"

"....well yes of course I want to- Of course it will possibly happen one day- right?" Karma tilled his head to the side.

"...and not like- now?", a soft blush appeared on Shuu's face which made him look away.

"Oh. OH- Is there someone in the mood to take our relationship to the next level?~ So quickly, Pumpkin?~ It's only been a week~", Karma replied with a cheeky grin, leaning more to the side where Shuu was looking away to make him face him.

"I- I mean. It's not like right now but... I want to do it, someday. With you." Shuu said, looking back at Karma with slight confidence.

Karma chuckled softly. "I'm glad then" 

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