Akabane, you're making me go insane

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He kissed him like he wanted to be kissed like no other person had ever kissed him, soft and moist and hot and breathy, not trying to win a battle, just like they always did in studies but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment. The heat rose in his cheeks as his tongue touched the red-haired boys' tongue, quick and electric and delicious, then firmer, more determined, more curious about the heat that lay within, seeking to chase down that elusive liquid lightning that reached through both of them. Shuu gasped, ending the kiss with little sighs, tilting his head slightly to the side, not really sure what just happened, but he had the feeling of passing out. Karma was gasping too, his lips slightly opened, a little bit of their mixed saliva on his lower lip. Even though Karma was leading the kiss, but he himself did not know what had just happened. Shuu pushed his back against the wall slowly and fell to his knees on the floor. "...what did just happened...", he touched his lips gently with his index finger, his fingernail gently digging into his lip. He looked up at Karma standing over him, who was also unsure what to do. Suddenly, Shuu chuckled and Karma looked at him in surprise.

"You fool, you look like an idiot standing over me like this, not knowing what to do" Shuu spoke, placing a cheeky smile on his face. "Huh? ~", A cheeky smirk appeared on Karma's face too, not allowing himself to get down on Shuu. "What are you talking about?~ Not only were you on the verge of passing out in the kiss, but you also are, right now, under me. Two reasons why I'm better and why I'm a top", Karma exclaimed. "Dumbass, you really are a dumbass", Shuu held up a hand, for Karma to pull him up. Karma crossed his arms, smirking down at Shuu, but in the end, he grabbed Shuus Hand. But here was the catch again - Karma grabbed Asano's arm, but when he pulled him up, it was such a force that Asano flew to Karma and they both landed on the floor, Karma under Shuu, who was only wearing a towel around his waist, was leaning over the red-haired boy.

Shuus's face turned bright pink, and Karma, lying under him, continued to grin. "Well, princess of oranges, why is your face dyed like a peach? Is something else the same color too?~", Karma bowed his head to look at the towel. Shuu's eyes widened, his face was getting hotter and redder with each moment, he quickly grabbed his hand towels so that he wouldn't fall off or be torn off his body by Karma. "...Suck my dick" Shuu said in embarrassment and anger after all this what Karma has done. "OH~ I mean if you insist, then with pleasure~" Karma replied, sitting up slightly. Shuu has just realized what he has said and covered his mouth. "OH GOD- AKABANE YOU'RE MAKING ME GO INSANE-''

"Ohhh so you HAVE been thinking about me? How sweet~" Karma teased him, slowly leaning forward. 

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