Karma, I'm literally half-naked.

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...I can't do this anymore.

Shuu thought to himself, and right after this thought, he grabbed Karmas cheeks, Karma had a very surprised expression on his face which Shuu enjoyed, then he pushed their lips against each other, once again. His lips mashed against Karmas as if he was trying to flatten and destroy his mouth. Karma on the other hand, hungrily pushed back, Shuu's mouth open, tongue pushing past Karmas clenched teeth to the moist space within. The sharp jawline Shuu was holding onto, the soft skin he touched with his fingers, and the red hair softly touching and falling onto Shuu's hand as he gripped onto Karma's cheeks, firmly, as if to keep him from escaping. He worked his mouth against Karmas, their tongues battling back and forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin the other, trying not to be the underdog and to take the lead - just like they always do.

"Karma...", Shuu whispered in between the kisses, he stared into those golden eyes of Karma's, so shiny and mysterious - not even Shuu could tell, what that redhaired boy was thinking, what those eyes hide and saw. "Gakushuu~'', Karma, teasingly not only did he whisper that he moaned it out, making Shuus face transform into a tomato,  that's how red he was.

Unexpectedly, completely ruining the moment, Karma's phone rang in his shirt pocket. They parted, Shuu looked down at the phone in anger inside of Karmas pocket. Karma sighed loudly and annoyed, taking it out and looking at the number that was calling. Karmas eyebrows raised in surprise, he gave Shuu a quick look, before looking back at his phone and picking it up. "Hello?", he answered. "Karma, how are you? I hope you're doing well - we have a surprise for you! We are coming back to Japan in a few days to spend the holidays with you!". Shuu heard a woman's voice on the other side. ??? Could it be his mother?? he thought to himself, as Karma continued to listen. "O-Oh hey Mom, I've been doing well, don't worry. But I'm a bit surprised that you and dad are coming back to Japan so quickly - I thought that around January you would come back-", he replied. "Oh yeah, that's how it was supposed to be at the beginning, but your dad said that he wants to spend Christmas Eve and New Year with you, so we are coming back", his mother answered. "Okay honey, I can't talk anymore, we are having a meeting in a moment, We love you so much, take care until we come back! See you!", his mom said once again and she hung up. Karma looked in disbelief at his phone, raising one eyebrow. "I- What the hell?? Why are they coming back so quickly?", he mumbled in confusion. "Sorry that I've overheard your conversation, but aren't you happy? Your mom seemed very excited to see you after a while-", Shuu asked not really sure after seeing Karma's expression. "Well... Not really, I mean they had an important project to do in Finland, that's why they are there and were supposed to work on it till almost January - So I just don't understand why they would stop in the middle - It makes no sense. I would rather see them after the project, instead, they will come home, greet me and lock themself up in a room to work on it and stress out about the flight and stuff and not spend time with me - I mean, I don't mind them not spending time with me, but if they are going to work here anyway, then what was the use to fly back and stress out.", Karma explained sighing placing one hand on his forehead, doing a slight facepalm. Shuu just nodded understanding. "Why don't you just tell them that it's not worth it coming back?", "My mom is excited to see me, I don't want her to think that I don't want her here", Karma said laying down. "But don't mind that, it's like this every year anyway", he explained to Shuu. "...I see..." Shuu nodded looking down a bit, overthinking. "Hey" Karma said, gently propping himself up, leaning against his arms from behind. Shuu looked up, watching Karma, and waited for him to continue talking.

Karma looked Shuu up and down his bare chest since Shuu sat on top of him. Asano panicked, softly covering his bare chest with his hands, but in vain. Karma grabbed Shuu's wrist and took his hand away from Shuu's chest. "What are you doing, you have a beautiful body - what are you ashamed of?" Karma asked, continuing to admire the boy sitting above him. Shuu blushed again but shook it off softly. "...Because first, we're boys - and what kind of normal boys do sit in this kind of a position. Second, I'm literally half-naked, I have nothing under the towel so I'm naked and sitting on you. And third, don't say that- it's embarrassing", Shuu said looking away. Karmas eyebrows rose again, a smirk forming on his lips. "Well, to answer all these points - first, what do you mean normal? No one is normal in this world - and who said we can't do that? Girls apparently do that and tease each other and people see it as normal, but when guys do it - it's weird? Oh hell no, let me prove them the fuck wrong. Second, I don't mind you being half-naked or completely naked, don't be shy, show yourself. And third, you can't stop me" he showed Shuu his tongue teasingly and he looked back at him, still blushing, "You're such a moron". 

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