1914 - Klaus daggered Kol. They had heard by Rebekah that Kol was conspiring against Klaus with the witches so Klaus stopped his brother by daggered him.

1918 - Mikeal was drawn into town by both Rebekah and Marcel

Six months later - The Mikaelson's were all attending an evening at the Opera House in New Orleans.

- Both Alessia and Marcel were attacked and held hostage by Mikael who went ahead taking his revenge against Klaus by staking them both to a cross on the stage right in front of everyone. The whole audience was compelled.

Klaus tried to save them but Mikael stopped him.

It was all too late as both Alessia and Marcel were on the verge of death with Mikael draining them of their death.

Elijah stopped Klaus and Rebekah from saving them that it was too late and they needed to leave. And that's what they did.

The Opera house was all burnt to the ground with Alessia and Marcel in it. The Mikaelson's thought that they were dead but the two of them survived. Barely.

Both Alessia and Marcel survived the massacre and took it upon themselves to rebuild New Orleans. With them slowly taking leadership of the French Quarter. Alessia stood by Marcel's side.

(In her time as a vampire Alessia and Lexi crossed paths with Lexi seeking her out. How it was Stefan who asked Lexi to go and find where Alessia was)

1922 - Alessia and Lexi went to find Stefan who was in Chicago. The two of them worked together to turn back on his humanity and for him to stop drinking Human blood. It wasn't easy as he was a ripper.

1922 - 1940's - Alessia went back and forth from New Orleans to check on and help Stefan.

1942 - She was with her brothers in New Orleans

1953 both Alessia and Damon were lured back to Mystic Falls by Joseph Salvatore. Soon as they arrived Joesph injected both her and Damon with vervain

Damon killed Joseph after Dr Whitmore entered the room soon after and injected them both with another dose of vervain knocking them both out.

Soon as they awoke both Alessia and Damon were strapped on a table as, Dr Whitmore started to cut them open experimenting their vampire healing abilities,

Her and Damon were taken to a cell together in a cell beside them and met another vampire named Enzo.

The three vampires bonded with each other, their friendship was what kept them to hold onto their humanity.

Every year Whitmore would show the rest of the Augustine Alessia, Damon and Enzo. Demonstrating his research at the New Years Party.

Enzo came up with a plan for one of them two drink a higher dosage of blood. Enzo gave his ration to Damon

At the party Damon broke free from his chains and he slaughtered every member of Augustine while the building set ablaze.

One of the bodies was lying beside Alessia's cage, she managed to grab the person's arm draining its blood. Enough to build her enough strength to get herself out.

Enzo was still trapped in his cage, both Damon and Alessia tried to free him but the cage bars were soaked in vervain. They couldn't get him out.

Both her and Damon turned off their humanity so they could walk away it was the only way they could save themselves.

Both her and Damon together killed every member of the Whitmore family except one so they could keep killing again as revenge.

1970's - Lexi and Stefan found Alessia in New Orleans and convinced her to turn her humanity back on whilst Damon still had his off and was in New York

1987 - Alessia, Stefan and Lexi went to a Bon Jovi concert in Chicago

1994 - Both Stefan and Alessia came back to Mystic Falls to be with their great nephew Zach.

Damon came back too telling them he wanted to go on and straight and narrow. Stefan believed him and let him in but she knew that Damon still had his human off that it didn't 't work

May 10, 1994

- Both her and Stefan found out Damon had weakened Zach and Zach's pregnant girlfriend and had been drinking from them. Stefan had snapped his neck and had taken him to the shed of the boarding house, where he could take off his daylight ring, giving him time to cool off. Punishment for always ruining their lives.

- Damon just missed them and wanted to go on a road trip with each other but then it went south and Damon snapped. Damon went and killed everyone at the party including Gail.

- Damon promised Stefan and eternity of mystery still holding resentment for Stefan turning him into a vampire so he wouldn't be alone.

- Damon soon left them. Leaving Alessia and Stefan to pick up the pieces. Stefan went to deal with Zach, compelling him to forget about Gail and the deaths.

- Whilst Alessia took girl to the hospital with Gail still clinging onto life barely, the doctors were able to save the baby by Gail didn't make it

- Both Alesia and Stefan made sure that the baby was adopted by a good family, she was then named Sarah Nelson.

- The Salvatore Twins left town straight after but both of them looked out for Sarah for all her life.

Alessia went back to New Orleans where she stayed

- She came back to find that there was a problem with the werewolves in New Orleans. The Crescent Wolf Clan tried to take control of New Orlean's but both Marcel and Alessia intervened forcing a witch to place a spell on the wolves so they remained as wolves but turned human on a full moon. Putting them under their control.

2010 - Stefan and Damon called Alessia back in town to deal with their Katherine problem. 

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