Chapter Thirty-Five

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We're the last two to show up at Scarlett's. They are all standing outside the house snapping pictures of each other, and themselves.

Scarlett's parents rented a limo for all of us tonight. Zoe, and Zach are here, Shawn with some girl I've never met. Aiden said she doesn't go to our school, and Zach's best friend Danny who's taking Adriana Will's who is a grade below us. She's on our track team.

"About time!" Josh yells at us as Scarlett motions us over. That's when I notice Scarlett. She looks amazing. She's wearing a long white flowing dress that's embroidered with what looks like shiny silver lace. The dress lightly hangs on her shoulders, and the middle cuts down low but not in a slutty way, but more of a classy way. Her hair is pinned up tightly.

She has a way of making everyone feel like she's the only one here. My dress can't compare.

I look over at Aiden, but he doesn't seem to notice her at all. His eyes are only at me, and I immediately warm in his gaze.

After a moment I pull away from his stare to face Scarlett. "Scarlett, you look amazing!" I can't lie. She owns tonight.

She hugs me. "Thanks Mor. So do you."

"Well, you weren't lying. Your dress is the best." I say, while Aiden is talking to the guys, keeping his hand around my waist.

Zoe is in a bright red dress that poofs out like a ballerina dress. Just what I would have picked for her. "Let's go party!" she screams as the limo pulls up to pick us all up. "Andrews!" she locks her arm into mine, and pulls out what looks like a liquor bottle from her purse motioning it to me, and I just roll my eyes. Leave it to Zoe.

On the ride to the dance we listen to music, and the guys talk sports, and I catch myself looking at Aiden most of the ride there.

"What?" he whispers in my ear.

"Nothing." I smile back, and he turns back around to talk to the guys again while stroking my fingers with his. I could be with him forever in this moment.

The night goes by quickly. Zoe's already a little tipsy, and Scarlett won prom queen alongside Zach who won king. Of course Scarlett bragged the entire night after winning. I could tell she was getting on Aiden's nerves. He just rolled his eyes as she gloated at our table. I guess I'm used to her because she didn't bother me at all.

"Can you believe we have three weeks of school left." Zach says as we all take a break from dancing.

"No way man. It's crazy." Josh answers him, and we all nod. It's true. It's like we wish all this time to finish high school, and grow up but the closer we get there the scarier it becomes. I would pause this moment right now if I could.

As they talk about their plans, and reminisce on old times, I just take them all in. These are my people, my friends, and my family. I look at Scarlett and she's admiring Josh kissing his cheeks, while Zoe is lost in a song dancing alone next to us. At this moment my happiness turns into a small amount of sadness. This is it. We're no longer kids after tonight. I look over at Aiden, and he can tell I'm in my feelings.

He smiles at me. "You okay?" he tilts his head to the side, and squeezes my knee.

I kiss him. "Yes." I answer, and we all get up again to dance the rest of the night away. 

"Last night was incredible!" Scarlett wakes me up by ripping her window drapes open letting the sun light up the room.

I cover my eyes with her bed comforter. "Scarlett!" I moan. "Can you please close those!" She always wakes up early and full of energy. I don't get it.

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