Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Scarlett lives in the Del Lago Estates. Both her parents are lawyers, and own their own firm. Scarlett's mother is much nicer than her dad. I've never understood what they saw in each other. They are so different. Mrs. Jansen is polite, and understanding, while Mr. Jansen is very arrogant and self centered.

Scarlett and I wouldn't be friends if Mr. Jansen had any say in the matter. He's made multiple statements about my dad being an owner of a mechanic shop that I've chosen to ignore for my friendship.

He only started liking Conner recently when he found out he got a scholarship to play football. Now he has something he can brag about.

Thank God Conner see's past that. He tells me not to let him get to me, but sometimes I can't help it. I guess in some ways I can be just as judgmental as Mr. Jansen.

As soon as you walk in Scarlett's house there's a beautiful staircase on the right, and around the corner is a massive dining room connected to a sitting area that has a monumental white marble fireplace that is brightly lit.

"Parents of mine, where are you?" Scarlett teases them as we go inside. Her mom is deep into her laptop, while her dad sits reading a book. He doesn't look up to acknowledge us.

"Hey sweetie." Mrs. Jansen say's, then she looks at me. "Hey Mora, how are you doing tonight?"

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Jansen. I'm good. How are you?"

"We're doing good sweetheart." She responds

"Mora is staying the night." Scarlett peeps up.

"Do you want me to fix any treats or food for you girls?" her mom asks, while Mr. Jansen continues to read.

"I'm okay." I answer, and Scarlett copies my answer

"We're going upstairs now." Scarlett say's then goes over to her parents and kisses them both on the forehead. "Goodnight momma, Goodnight daddy."

"So Mora, stop holding out on me." She says before she gets the door closed all the way. I look up stunned. "What?" and she snickers at me. "Oh come on Mora. Conner told me you have a crush on Aiden Bryant." she doesn't let me talk. "Why haven't you told me, and how does Conner know before me? Huh?"

Damn it Conner.

"It's seriously nothing Scarlett. I've hung out with him a couple times. Not near enough time to make much of a changing opinion on him." I dig in my gym bag for my pajamas, and Scarlett plops up on the bed, stuffing her pillow under her chin.

"I think you two would be super cute Mora."

I look at her now. "Oh you do, do you?" I smile, and she chunks a pillow at me.

"He's so hot." she declares, and I can't argue. I fall down next to her, and cross my feet in the air, laying on my stomach. "He is, isn't he?" We both laugh. "But honestly, he looks like he's still in a relationship with Sophie, and even if he wasn't, why would he be into me. I've seen him in a thousand relationships, and like Conner says... he just leaves them crying." I sigh, and say slowly. "I'm sure I wouldn't be any different."

"But you could be different. Honestly Mora, the girls I've seen him date, I've also seen date a number of guys too. It's more physical relations, and you're not like that, and he knows that."

I just eye her "How do you know he knows that?" and she snorts out loud. "Mora, you've kissed maybe two boys in your whole life. All of us have known each other since we were little kids. You're just too busy to notice guys like Aiden Bryant looking at you."

"Oh Scarlett, if you ever would have seen Aiden Bryant looking at me, you would have told me right away." We both laugh, and she looks up for a minute, then responds laughing "Yeah, I guess you're right."

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