Chapter Twenty-Six

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I'm dreading home ec class. This will be the first time I've seen Scarlett since everything happened, and I'm not sure if Sophie knows what happened with Ross. Aiden walks me to class right before the bell rings, and the girls are already in their spots and at this very moment I despise assigned seating.

Aiden brushes a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. "You gonna be okay?" I look up at him, and grab the straps of his backpack so I can pull myself into his chest. "No." I whine, and it causes him to let out a small laugh. He kisses me on the cheek, and pulls away. "Talk to you soon." he winks at me before turning his back to leave. I instantly turn cold from the emptiness he left.

    Scarlett has her back to me, while Sophie and Sierra are looking intently into their phones. I decide not to speak, set my binder on my desk and crawl up on the stool turning my body adjacent to Scarlett's and to the front of the class where the teacher is getting ready to stand. I can feel eyes burning on my back, and I hear a small voice beside me.

    "Hey Mora." Scarlett whispers to me, and I wish I could act like I didn't hear her, but I don't have it in me. No matter how angry I am, I could never shun her.

    "Hey." I turn my head over some to look at her keeping my body facing the teacher.

    "I love your outfit." she says quietly choosing not to bring up our fight, which I'm thankful for. I stare at her for a minute before responding.

    "You should. You bought this for me last Christmas." I faintly lift up the corners of my lips so I don't come off as a total snob, and she takes notice giving a greater smile than mine.

    "I know. I'm glad you finally dug it out of your closet. I was about to give up hope on that blouse." she jokes, but suddenly Sophie interrupts us.

    "So you're not even going to acknowledge me after this weekend?" She snaps, and my eyes grow large. Crap. She knows. I pause for a second thinking about what to say. I could act clueless, but then that makes me look guilty of something so I decide to just spit out the truth.

    "It's not my place to acknowledge anything about this past weekend with you. It's your boyfriend's place." I snap back, and her mouth flies open before gasping out loud.

Scarlett's eyes get as big as saucers and she flings her curled hair behind her shoulder where she's fully facing me.

    "The hell it's not." Sophie reacts fast while Sierra just sits there looking into her phone like we're not even talking. Scarlett cuts in.

    "Calm down Sophie." she says and looks at me confused. I know that look. She's wanting more information.

    "No!" Sophie yells back, then the teacher speaks up and tells us to be quiet, so Sophie lowers her tone, but keeps her whispers high. "Mora, you kissed my boyfriend." she hisses, and Scarlett can't hide her shock as she's the one gasping next, but in full and utter shock.

    "You have it wrong. Your boyfriend kissed me." I express, and she leans back as if I just slapped her across the face. "If Ross said I kissed him, he's lying. It was not a two way act. He kissed me, and I told him to stop. He didn't want to stop so my brother made him leave. So, talk to him Sophie, not me!" I growl out then stop for a second, because the more I think about it the more furious I become. "So, wait. Did he tell you I kissed him?" I'm looking directly at her waiting on her reply.

    Her answer comes out with zero hesitation. "No. Aiden did." She's cold and forward. What she just said infuriates me. I specifically asked him to let it go, but I guess he couldn't.

    "So Aiden's exact words to you were that I kissed Ross?"

    "Not exactly. He said that you guys kissed." her face keeps the same irritability as before.

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