Chapter One

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I wake up early to the loud thunder of my fathers voice. "Rise and shine." I tuck my head tighter under the sheets acting like I can't hear him. "Come on sis, we have a lot to do today." Groaning, I sit up straight in my bed after he opens the curtains blinding me from the morning sun. Ugh. "Up now." he says before walking out.

Once I go down the stairs I take in a deep breath. Yum. Bacon.

"Smells delish." I say as I sit down on the stool at our kitchen island and dad keeps his eyes on the skillet.

"What time is Scarlett coming?" My dad asks "We need to leave early enough to get a good seat" he turns around and examines my bed head.

"I'll call her in a minute and see."

Scarletts' been my best friend since middle school, and as of two years ago, my brother's girlfriend. I knew she always had a crush on him. She would stay the night and always want to see what he was doing and who he was talking to. Sometimes I would wonder if she was only coming over to see him. But I knew that wasn't true.

Once upon a time she thought he was gross. He would pick on her, and she couldn't stand it. He loved making fun of her, but before you knew it, they were hot and heavy. In love they say.

The phone rings once. "I'm heading there now!" click.

Today is Conner's high school graduation. He's already left with his best friend Ross Langley. They have to practice all-day and the event starts at seven.

Dad takes Scarlett and I out for ice cream before we make it to the graduation thirty minutes too early.

The day is hot, and humid. The bottom of my hair is sticking to the middle of my back where my dress hangs low. I'm in my favorite black flats. Scarlett just stares at them in disgust. She's so different from me. No surprise we would be best friends. We fill in each other's gaps.

She's in high heels, and a bright yellow sundress. Her lips are dressed in bright red lipstick, and her hair hangs short in bright blonde curls. I always resented her blonde hair. My hair is a wavy sandy brown; dull, with no personality. I've highlighted it a couple times, but the maintenance on it is too much for me to handle. So when the occasion is right I'll wear it down, but the majority of the time it's up in my favorite messy bun.

"Where's your mom?" Scarlett asks anxiously. I just flex my shoulders up.

My mom and dad divorced when we were young. I was always more vocal about it unlike Conner. He looked at mom in this light, like she hung the moon.

She's more of a free spirit like him, and I'm more like my dad. I like to stay in place, to myself.

Mom wanted to move to the beach, but dad wasn't having it. He had a mechanic shop that was passed down to him from my Papa P and he couldn't just up and leave it, and no one could blame him for it. I did blame her though.

Dad didn't hesitate when she chose to leave. He just let her go. That is one thing I still don't understand... how he wouldn't fight for her, or fight for his family.

A couple years later she met her now husband Ron. He's a songwriter and plays the piano. Even though I hate to admit it, and would never tell her; he is very talented.

The deal was Conner and I would stay for school, and during the summer we would go stay with her in Corpus Christi, and every other weekend we would take the four hour trip to stay with her.

That was the plan, but as time changed Conner got busy with football and Scarlett; and I got busy with resentment. I tried everything to get out of going and the older I got the easier it was.

I'm sure once I'm finished with school she'll move far away from Texas, and far away from us.

The sun is falling slowly, and the announcements are already starting when my mom finally shows up with the pamphlet swinging in her hand and Ron, my step dad trailing behind her.

"Hey Honey!" She looks at me with excitement "We didn't miss anything too important, did we?"

I look at her annoyed "No mom, not yet." She didn't seem to hear the sarcasm in my voice. She looks over me to Scarlett, and dad.

"Hey guys!" They both look down the seats. Scarlett answers first.

"Hi Mrs. Hensen"

"Hey Deb." my dad follows in a low voice, then we all turn to watch the stage.

Minutes later the graduates start being called out to walk across. My brother is one of the first students. "Conner Andrews" the announcer speaks. He runs up quickly almost tripping over his own feet then screams "HELL YEAH! We're finished!" he's waving his graduation cap up in the air as Principle Oakley pushes him off stage and the graduation students cheer.

After my family cheers and screams him on I look over at Scarlett. "He's seriously the cutest ever." she says to me. I give her a gagging reflex motion and she rolls her eyes.

One by one the names are called, and it's nine thirty before it finally ends. As we all get up one by one in file, my mom pulls me aside "Hey hun, do you want to grab dinner with us. Conner already said he would meet us at the Grill as soon as he can."

I sigh "Sure." If I say no, my dad will just lecture me.

He tells me to go easy on her, that not everything that happened with them was her fault. "Just be nice to her sis. She is the adult, and she had every right to leave." So what is all I could think. Yeah maybe she did have a right to leave my dad, but not Conner and I.

After being stuck in traffic for a lifetime, we finally make it to only wait another lifetime for Conner to show up. We're next to the big side window when he finally pulls up. Still outside, he sees one of his buddies and gives him a fake punch to the stomach before skipping inside.

Even though Conner gets on my nerves sometimes, I've always admired him. He's so lighthearted and so personable. Everyone loves my brother. He even won prom king this year. Scarlett was so jealous when she found out Claire Thompson was made queen. She said to me "She better keep her claws off of him." I just rolled my eyes. "Calm down, it's just a dance."

"Mom!" he yells and runs to her picking her up in a tight hug. She just giggles and says "Babe, I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to be able to hug you more often."

Conner was accepted a scholarship for football at Texas A&M which is twenty minutes from mom's. Everyone was so excited when they found out. I was happy for him, but bummed at the same time. I already miss him, and he hasn't left yet.

A roll is already in Conner's mouth as he pulls out his chair and sits down. Mom is smiling at me when she asks "What's it feel like to be a senior now Mora?"

"Fine I guess. I really don't feel different." I answer un-enthused.

Ron interjects "I think it's exciting. Only once are you a senior. Best enjoy it while it lasts."

I could like Ron if he wasn't married to my mother... I think, but I'm stubborn as my dad would say.

Con interrupts us "Her senior night begins tonight, because we're going to celebrate my graduation at a pool party!"

My mom snorts loudly at him. "Well don't let us keep you too long." she says in between bites. We'll hurry here so you two can get going.

An hour later we're collecting our things to go when mom looks over at me "Mora, honey will I see you before I leave tomorrow?"

I return her hug request. "Yes mom, tomorrow morning just call me."

Then she kisses me on the cheek. "Love you kid."

"I love you too."

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