Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Con and I pick Scarlett up from her house soon after leaving the Grill. Conner just stares at me as she's walking off her front porch. I sigh "Ugh, fine!" then I get out of the car and get into the back seat.

Scarlett jumps in looking at Conner "Babe, I'm so so so proud of you! You looked so handsome tonight in your cap and gown." she says before kissing his lips.

He winks at her. "Baby, I'll wear it later for you if you'd like." Scarlett giggles, and I just let out a screech.

"EW! Can you two stop! I'm going to throw up!" I smack him in the back of the head, and he lets out a loud laugh as his chin raises in the air.

On the way to the party we pick up my brother's best friend Ross. I've known him since I can remember. He lives down the street from us, and from day one my brother and him were inseparable.

Ross is going to Lone Star community college near Conroe, where we live so he could still live at home. I swear he was more upset when he found out Conner was leaving then Scarlett and I were.

Ross slides in the back seat. "What's up guys?"

I answer. "Thank God you're finally here. I think if I spent another minute alone with these two I would vomit". Everyone laughs at my response.

Scarlett looks back at him "Congratulations Ross!"

"Thanks Scarlett." he smiles at her in return.

"So Ross" I begin to ask "Are you excited that you're finally finished with High School?"

"Ahh, I guess. You know I'm an adult now, and I'm not sure if I'll be good at adulting and all that shit."

Conner peeps up "Ah man, are you kidding? You're going to do fine. Anyway, you still have mommy and daddy right down the road if you ever get scared or lonely." He jokes as Scarlett and I both smack him in the head this time. "Ow!" he yells.

A few minutes later we're pulling up to Zach Elliot's house where he's throwing an end of the year bash because his parents are out of town until next week.

The place is already packed with cars, and some of the guys from the football team are unloading a keg from a truck so Conner and Ross hurry over to help them. While they help them, Scarlett and I make our way into the huge house to find Zoe and Emily.

"Mora! Scarlett! Over here!" I hear Emily. She graduated too. I was bummed. She is leaving for the university of Washington. Even though she isn't my best friend, we're still very close. We have so many common interests like books, and movies. If I ever want my nerd to come out, I always call her.

Zoe is in our grade. She says we're her squad. She's more into the party scene, and is more popular with the guys.

"Hey, come. We saved you a seat!" she screams, and Scarlett and I sit down on a long sectional couch raising our voices so we can hear each other.

"How long have you been here?" Scarlett asks.

"For an hour or so!" Emily yells back.

I can't stand all the screaming going on. "I'm going outside. I can't hear in here!"

They all shout back "What?!" so I give up and just motion as if I'm taking a drink, and walk out back where the majority of the people are at. Scarlett tags right behind me.

"Ahhh much better." she says as she's scanning the yard for my brother. Him, and Ross are already at the beer pong table teamed up against Zach and Travis.

"Yes!" Ross celebrates his winning shot, when suddenly a random guy sneaks up behind him picks him up and throws him in the pool.

As everyone is laughing at him, he pulls himself out of the deep end with his blonde hair now dripping wet, and dark from the water. "What asshole just did that?" He asks in anger, but everyone just keeps laughing at him.

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