Chapter Twenty

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    "Hey Mora!" I hear Ross as I walk into the garage. I've only seen him once in the last few months, and he was hanging out with my dad.

    Once I see him, I run up to give him a hug. "Hey." His hair is grown out, and he looks a little thicker. It's crazy what a couple months do to someone you haven't seen. He's in an old high school hoody, and jogger sweats. I'm surprised at how happy I am to see him. I hug him tightly.

    "I've missed you Mor." He keeps me in his arms swaying me side to side, and I can't help but laugh.

    "Ross, you've been a block from me this entire time, and haven't even come to see me."

    "Sorry. School is kicking my ass, and when I'm not at school or doing homework I've been working, and hanging out with Sophie. I've just been busy." He admits and I can't help but feel a little sting. I always thought that no matter what was going on, that he would always be a part of my life. I guess I'm a little jealous that Sophie gets all of his time.

    "Whatever!" I respond sarcastically, and he winks at me.

    "Don't hate me Andrews. I can't handle that." and we both laugh. After I let him go I go and pull down the tailgate of a truck that is sitting in the garage, and Ross follows me and sits down. "What are you up to this weekend?" he casually asks.

    "I don't know. Probably hanging out with Scarlett, or Aiden." I admit, as Ross kicks his feet back and forth under the tailgate.

    "Are you not going to Conner's first game?" he asks. Crap... I totally forgot it was his game this weekend.

    "Oh yeah. I didn't realize it was this weekend."

    "Yep, that's why I'm here. I was going to see if your dad wanted to ride with me, but he said that he's riding with Lorene. Hey, is Lorene your dad's new girlfriend?" His eyebrows rise as he asks.

    "No. I mean, I don't think so. Do you think so?" I ask. We've all thought it once or twice.

    "Umm yeah." he widens his eyes, and smiles before changing the subject back to the game. "Well you and Scarlett should ride with me. I don't want to ride all the way down there by myself."

    "I honestly can't believe that Scarlett didn't remind me."

    "Honestly, me either, and usually Conner asks about her when I talk to him, but the last few times he hasn't. Did something happen with them two?" I never thought about it, but Scarlett hasn't asked me much about Conner either. I wonder if something did happen and they didn't tell us.

    "I have no idea." I admit "but yes, I'll ride down with you, and I'll ask Scarlett tonight." I jump down and rub the dust off my butt as Ross closes the tailgate.

    "Cool, well just text me. Since the game is at six I was planning on leaving around eleven or noon so we can get there a couple hours early to find a good parking spot."

    "Okay. Sounds good." I say, and he walks out of the garage throwing up a peace sign behind him. I'm glad that we're going to get to hangout again.

    After dinner, and a shower I call Scarlett. "Hey." I say after she answers the phone.

    "Hey. What's up?"

    "Why didn't you remind me of the game tomorrow?" I ask, fishing for more answers why she and Conner have been acting so weird.

    "Oh, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think about it either. Are you going?" she ask, and I'm surprised at how stupid that question is.

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