Chapter Twenty-Four

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Dad and I are watching the game show channel when we see headlights hit the windows from behind us. "Who's here?" Dad turns his body around to look outside.

    "It's Aiden. I'm sorry Dad. I forgot to tell you. He wanted to hangout since I was gone all weekend." I give him my puppy dog eyes, and he just rolls his, and sighs.

    "Staying in, or going out?" he asks.

    "I think out... if that's okay with you?" my face doesn't change.

    "Fine. Since he's here, but Mora... you ask in the future." He stands up and starts to walk upstairs, and I jump up and throw on my hoodie, and start to run to the door but quickly stop half way out the house when I hear my dad. "Mora, don't forget your curfew... and Mora... in the morning we need to talk about you and Aiden." Oh my gosh. I want to die right now.

    "Dad! No!" I shriek.

    "Do you want to keep him waiting, or would you like me to invite him in now and we can all discuss it?" He looks down from the top step , and I can feel my face flush.

    "Okay dad. Tomorrow." I say.

    "Be safe." he says, and I just close the door so he can't say anything else.

    Aiden is outside leaning on the side of his jeep, and I can't help but run to him. I missed him so much this weekend. I jump up and I can hear him giggle as I pull him into a tight hug.

    "Miss me?" he teases, and I lean in to give him a kiss, and he kisses me back intently. "I missed you too." he buries his face into my hair and neck.

    "Where are we going?" I ask.

    "I don't know. Want to come over to the house, and we can watch a movie?" he's pulling on my hands in a dancing way.

    "Sure." I smile and he grins back.

    "Mora, you're so cute." and my smile grows ear to ear, and I can't help but feel knots in my stomach as I jump up in the jeep. I can take Aiden's compliments every day for the rest of my life.

    As soon as we pull out of the driveway he brings up the weekend that I had momentarily forgot about for a good reason.

    "So did you guys have fun this weekend?"

    I can feel my heart start beating faster. I shouldn't be afraid of his reaction because I didn't do anything wrong, but I am. I guess it's now or never.

    I start with telling him about Con and Scarlett. Start with the easy stuff first. "Well, it went okay... until Conner told me that Scarlett cheated on him." I look at him, and his face is full of shock and his mouth is wide open.

    "You're kidding!" he gasps.

    "No, and it was with Josh." I say slowly, and he slams on his breaks. Thankfully no one is driving behind us. Now we're sitting in the middle of the road in my subdivision.

    "No way. I don't believe it! He would have told me."

    "I guess not. Scarlett broke down after and told Conner everything. Supposedly they kissed and other stuff at a party." he's still staring at me in disbelief. It warms me to know that he didn't know about it.

    "Shit! Is Conner okay?" he asks, but doesn't give me a chance to answer. "Wow, I can't believe that shit."

    "So I'm guessing you didn't know?" I ask him, and he tones down his response.

    "No way Mora. I would have told you if I did. I promise I had no idea." I can tell he's not lying.

We sit there for a second, then someone honks at us from behind, and we both jump. "Oh shit." he starts to drive again, and I know now is the time to tell him before we get to his house.

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