If I Lose

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Hoseok picks up the cassette tape, staring at it and inspecting it

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Hoseok picks up the cassette tape, staring at it and inspecting it. He looks back at his members, suddenly noticing that their maknae is missing.
"Where is Jungkook?" Hoseok asks, raising his brow. Until he sees the title on the cassette tape.
"Please play it for me" Hoseok reads and the others nods, walking out of the room.

They put the cassette tape on the player and then sat back down as they start watching. They frowned, why was Jungkook look so sad in the video. But no one talked, they continued watching.

"Hey hyungs, If you guys find this, please hide it.."

"I know, I'm sometimes a burden to you guys, that's why I'm distancing myself"

"It's like, I feel like I bother you guys that it makes me look like an attention seeker"

"Or maybe I am"

"*laughs* I'm having a crisis, but let us get to the point"

Jungkook grabbed something, showing it. It was a drawing of them, he probably made it.

"Hope y'all like it, this took me a day to finish"

"Yup, so, remember this, one of them will disappear"

They frowned, what does he mean?

"It's none of you guys, figure out who's not in this drawing"

They just realized, Jungkook's not in the drawing. Their eyes widened, biting their bottom lips with nervousness. Getting more worried as Jungkook started sobbing.

"Hyungs, I'm leaving the group. I can't take it anymore *sobs*"

"I just want privacy, but why are they always invading it? I had to leave my old apartment because of it"

"And these hate comments, I don't want to see it anymore, I'm tired of it"

And that's it, the video cuts and nothing was shown again.
"Where is Jungkook?!" Yoongi says as he stood up from his seat in a flash. Just then, Namjoon's phone rang. The leader was about to pick it up, when Yoongi beats him to it. Yoongi answers the call and expected it to be Jungkook, but instead, it was their CEO.
"Jungkook?!" Yoongi yelled, voice a bit shaky.

"Yoongi, it's me Bang PD"

"Where's Jungkook?! Don't tell me he left!" Yoongi says, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry, he also left me a message, saying that he left already, I couldn't stop him"

"No! That can't be! He told us that he'll stay til the end!" Yoongi says, breaking down. The others stared with their eyes also teary. All of them suddenly receives a message,

"I may have lost the battle, but at least you guys can continue it with me"

A message from Jungkook... Their maknae...

 Their maknae

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