The wall was torn down

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Lexia's POV

I didn't get a good look at the guy who ratted me out, but he sounded quite familiar..

"-a Tox. A very powerful Supernatural being........." He continued on about how Dangerous and blah, blah, blah about me.

It's like " Lexia this, Lexia that. Blah-Dee, Blah-Blah Blahhh."Like this guy was feeding them lie after lie about me, and THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVED HIM!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe he actually had the audacity to break the wall we've kept up for centuries...

"- Why haven't we known of your existence?" The reporter asked

"This idiot shape shifter, is revealing everything; Strengths,

Weaknesses, Rules, Laws, he's revealing anything he can about our world!" I screamed

"Who is he though?" Knox asked through the phone

Knox, Lance, and Xena are all on the other end of the phone, with us on a facetime. And I bet they're all in one room like us.

" We're coming home right now, so stay on call. So we can listen on the way!" I heard a door slam

" BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH,- Lexia must be killed. Your children are not safe with this abomination on the streets, there's no reasoning with her, she already stabbed me." This guy revealed an all too familiar cut

I rose to my feet,

"NO!" I yelled

" He should be out at least a couple days still, how's he still kicking-" I was cut off by both a growl from Knox and a call.

The call was that of the television screen, and I heard several gasps of the unfamiliar number, and then Bree said something that completely shocked me.....

"The High council..... Calling humans. Uh oh!" Everyone went silent and watched as they answered the phone.

On the callers screen sat women and men of all ages between twenty and probably 2,100, each were a different Supernatural

species. And well, they looked pissed, they were glaring at this mystery guy.

"Humans, I apologize for this unscheduled meeting. For it seems the fellow Immortal has lost his mind in bringing this up. Also if Lexia White tip is listening, I wish for her to join this call immediately. For the immortal has chased the innocent child into hiding." A female demanded

I stared wide eyed at the screen, but the others seemed to be staring at me in shock, quickly disconnecting the tv I connected it into a call like cable, and called the station, they immediately picked up and my two friends and I were shown.

"High council!" we greeted slightly bowing our heads in respect

"Child, is that you-" One council member was interrupted by the immortal

" No Alpha mate to protect you now-" He was cut off by Bree

" No, but she has friends too!" Bree snarled baring her teeth

The council members chuckled at her outburst, but I calmed my friend down.

"How may I help you?" I asked

"Bronx, my fellow Tox!" She smiles sweetly

Is it me or did those violet orbs sparkle, or gleam with pride.

"We have many things to discuss, only our time isn't of the essence

Yet." She became serious once again

I don't know what she is, yet she was very familiar to me. And here I'm thinking why a Council member seems to make something spark inside me deep, deep down.

I was snapped out of my inner thoughts by the Reporter. He was talking to me,

"So you're the dangerous teenager. Our friend here's been warning us about-" He was cut off by the Immortal himself.

"This little Sh-it stabbed me in my own bed !" She needs to be tracked down and either thrown in jail, or killed!" He said

'This a$$ is trying to lock me up and end me!' I told Tala, she growled in the back of my mind.

"Sir, we are currently tracking her location. And I've sent the Patrol unit her coordinates."The Reporter says

"WHAT!!!!!!!" Multiple voices screamed, including my own roared, (Knox's could be heard more of a growl as I heard him speed up) Everyone stared at the Immortal with mixed emotions

Ok Jerk, two can play that game.

I grinned at my friends, and they looked confused.

Pulling up a chair. I sat on it backwards, and put on the most innocent act I could.

"Zero, you had me handcuffed to a bed for a week, trying to mate with me. I'm a fourteen year old female. In the humans eyes they'd

see that as rape!" I broke out

Everyone stared at him in shock, when one of the Council members spoke.

"Is this true 'Zero'?" He said

Everyone stared at the Immortal, suddenly my door broke down and a few officers barged in.

"Step Away From The Tox !" One ordered

"What's going on?" Bronx yelled, her voice carried power even if she wasn't here that power traveled to both rooms. And everyone shrinked back and became cowardly.

"Step away from the Tox!" The guy repeated

"No" Both my friends stood their ground in front of me.

The guy nodded to the other men, and they all advanced towards me, two held back Bree (She's a strong Vamp), While most of them held off the Beta, Zev. Good Thing the Alpha weren't here. He'd kill them without thought. A growl vibrated through my phone, and everyone froze. Nobody moved a mussel. Knox spoke through the phone, and it was 100% his wolf Quest in control,

"You lay a hair on my mate and I will rip you all to shreds!" He growled

One guy quickly came over his fear and nodded to the others, they continued to make their way towards me. And I began to walk backwards. The Council looked confused, but when I glanced at the studio's screen. The Reporter looked confused, but Zero on the

Other hand seemed to be grinning like a mad man. Hell, he was a mad- Immortal. I was so distracted that one of the officers got the chance to cuff me with Iron-Gold metal cuffs. I screamed as the metal began to burn my skin, the officers stared in amazement.

Shifting was pointless, and I couldn't break free. Since the metal seemed to weaken me.

"What's going on over there?" Bronx roared through the call

The officers ignored her, when I continued struggling against them, and was close to breaking free. One officer slapped me, finally having enough I broke both my thumbs and slipped from my cuffs. All the officers cursed and then I made a big mistake, since I was still on call.




Suddenly Tala took over and she pushed me to the darkest part of our mind. Her little scheme only lasted a couple minutes before she felt it. And then we find ourselves fading in and out of consciousness, and then we fell and everything went black.

Once I did wake up I was surprised to see nobody in this white-ish grey, brick room. The room had; a thin foam mattress, thin itchy small blanket, a bucket and a barred slide door, and window- Wait what!!!!!!!

To Be Continued....

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