Kidnapped by yours truly.

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Lexia's POV

The Alpha seemed to be mindlinking, he really can't stay. He has a pack to take care of.Tala seemed to whimper at the thought of him leaving, I decided to distract us by making dinner. Checking the time I noticed it was around five o'clock.

Without the Alpha noticing, I got up and exited the room. It seemed really cold, I should probably turn up the heat, first I have to figure out how.

I headed down to the dark basement to try and find anything to heat the place up.


I spun around only seeing a smashed mason jar. Shaking my head I continued to look round.

I spotted a switch with lots of buttons, on a sticky note I read 'Heat', I flipped the switch and a furnace started to roar to life. I turned around to head up stairs when I was face to face with a shadow.

The shadow was blocking my way and it was in the shape of a person. Only I was the only person down here, I stumbled and it didn't move. Ok, my shadow was crossed off. Maybe there's a dead

a corpse hanging down here to cast this shadow, when it moved that too was crossed off my list. Before I could scream, it slammed a cloth to my face. I tried holding my breath as long as I could. Seemed this shadow could wait all day, I however. Could not. Before I passed out I heard it hiss,

" Niiiiiiiii-ght, Niiiiiiiii-ght, liiiii-ttle giiiii-rl. Masssssster willlll beeee plea-ssssed!"

Zero's POV




" Come in!" I yelled

"Massss-ter, Shadow and Eclipse have come back with you-rrr pre-sssent. They put he-rrr in one of the guest rooms." One of my Hybrids say

I leave my Chambers and head to the room with her smell, silently opening the door I slip in.

Lexia laid unconscious on the bed, I sat at the end, and pulled out the handcuffs. I was careful to not wake her as I used two cuffs to cuff her to the bed, and I also tied her feet to the bedpost. She looked like she was in a starfish position, she started to stir. So I sat on the chair near the bed.

Lexia groaned and held her head in her hands, but still sat up.

She blinked her eyes open and stared around the room, her eyes landed on me and she froze. Standing up to make my way over to her, she began to squirm against the restraints.

I crawled over her, and I'm on top of her. Bending down I kiss her neck and trail down. She whimpered,

"Shhh" I soothed

She began to cry, I wiped her tears with my thumb and she jerked away, gathering as much confidence as she could, she spat out.

" Get away from me."

Anger bubbled in my stomach,but I ignored it and her. As I continued kissing her. Moving from her neck to her lips then exploring her body with my hands. Feeling every curve on her body, moving myself up I put some of my weight on her, (Not all of it) sitting on her waist I continued to do what I pleased with her. Happy that stupid Alpha can't have her. I did what I pleased.

Knox's POV

They took her, they took MY Mate. She's mine and only mine, and if that Jerk touches her even once I'm making his death a slow and painful one.

They took her from the basement, stupid shadow creatures. Yes, I said creatures. Because I found more snooping around the house.

With my pack on the way and having to sit and wait for them, I began to become restless and I found myself unable to sit. I paced my mates house and saw red, making sure to not break anything I paced and paced until I could pace no more and all I saw was red.

'How dare he take what is ours." I growled

Quest growled in agreement.

They took her over an hour ago and my pack still hasn't got here-




Shifting and throwing on a pair of mens basketball shorts on I head to the door (Don't even ask, how she has them) and swing it open.

Zev, Lance, and Xena all pile into my mates home.

" Holy. this is almost the size of a pack house" My sister screams in awe

"Yeah, she just moved in a few hours ago- and now......"I trailed off

"Don't worry bro, we'll get her back. I'm not letting my new sister in-law go that easily." Xena snarls

"And you can't count us in, that idiots got our Luna!'' Lance grinned

" How 'bout adding one more to that wolf mix." A feminine voice says from behind my gang

We all turn around to see a female vampire, who is she?

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