Secrets revealed

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Lexia's POV

It's been one month since I met Alpha Knox and his friends, and it's been two weeks since Lance, Zev, Xena, Bree and Knox moved into my house with me. Only they' re barely around because they had pack duties, Bree and Zev had to juggle pack duties with kingdom duties. Which left me in my home alone for around eleven hours a day, ( They leave the house at Nine, and don't get back till Seven) but finding things to do has been fairly easy, these activities include; Cleaning, Baking, Reading, and more cleaning.

So what am I doing right now? Well, it is currently 11:00 AM on a Thursday, and I'm in the Library reading about romance with a little fighting action in the mix. Sitting in the silent Library on a black bean bag has been getting quite annoying.

Sipping my tea, I began to feel very energetic. So putting my book down I began to take a walk around the house, since the snow and rain had stopped I decided to walk outside.

Throwing on a pair of running shoes I head outside, it's been a month since I've seen anything dark and I'm grateful for that. Hopefully they don't encounter me anymore. Taking a lap around my house I stopped back at my door, and I somehow ended up glancing down the driveway longingly. I wanted to explore!


"Lexia!" Knox called

Me and Xena quickly and quietly ran out of Knox's room.

We were pulling a prank, and once he opened his door he'd be dumped on with pink paint. This week was prank week, and Xena and I had teamed up against the others. So far we had gotten all of them but my mate, Xena happened to share that Knox was hard to prank, so this time I went full out. And when I say full out I mean I hid sparkles,streamers, balloons and a really loud air horn (Behind the door).

Me and Xena ran around the corner, as we heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

" I'm in your room!" I yelled


" If you come in here, I'll show you." I yelled back in a flirty voice

This earned me a playful growl from him, Xena turned on her camera and started recording. We did our best to not laugh. And in went Knox!

Knox opened the door causing the paint to fall on him, and the horn to blow,and then he tripped over the tripwire and that activated my 'extras'. Once the trap stopped, and we had it fully recorded Knox was a pink, glittery, sticky mess. He slowly turned around, and gave us two murderous glares,

"And this is when we run..." I whispered to Xena as I began to walk backwards

We bolted down the stairs, and the Knock roared.

"Stop Those Girls."

"Split up." I told Xena, she nods and we split just as Lance ran at us

"What'd you do?" He chased me

" A prank, soaked the Alpha !" I yelled and ran faster losing him in the process

I ran outside and hid in the woods, as I got deeper and deeper the woods stopped looking friendly. And when I was about to turn around I ended up lost. The woods were quite dark for a sunny afternoon, and fog seemed to blow in, coating the forest floor. I began to run, trying to find my way out, but it was no use.

With the fog so thick and covering the forest floor, I ended up tripping over a big nasty rock, cutting my leg open in the process.

I was about to get up when suddenly I was stopped by a series of growls.

And then I smelt them,

Mud, and burnt flesh.

'Savage Rogues' Tala says

And yes I say " Savage Rogues". Why? Well not all Rogues are bad, some are after all just lone wolves without a pack, (Either destroyed, left for personal reasons, or other) but then there's the ones who have lost their humanity and are just the raging/mourning shell behind. And that's exactly what these ones were, wolves that lost their humanity and were left this way. And no they wouldn't be your normal wolf. No, these were worse than your average wolf. These guys didn't give a damn about anything, the only thing in their minds are; Kill, and Survive.

I couldn't move, and I think I ended up twisting my ankle, Tala was working on healing it. She even tried to take the pain for herself but it didn't do anything. The rogues showed themselves.

There were around five of them, their eyes were red, and as usual you could see their thirst for my blood. They were dirty; Muddy Matted,sandy, and covered in grass. They snarled, baring their teeth at me. White drool dripped from their mouths.

I tried to move again, only for the leader to snap it's jaws at me, I jerked back. Suddenly another rogue took a swipe at my shirt, drawing blood on my back and tearing my shirt.

' Damn, that's gonna leave a nasty scar.' Tala growled

I could shift, but turns out that by the time I shifted I'd be torn to pieces.

They began to snarl and circle me, one pounced and it never touched me, instead a blur of black crashed into it and the rogue's attention turned to the black blur.

This black blur was my raging mate, coming to my rescue. He killed every single rogue and then came over to me. He picked me up by the back of my shirt, and began walking back to my home.

I got quite the ear full from him, and he ordered me with his Alpha command to never leave the house without someone else.

End of Flashback

But I can't explore because of the Alpha command, and no. I don't blame him, he wants to keep me from being hurt and getting into trouble, which I'm fine with, so I head back in the house to read.

After hours of non-stop reading my head starts to hurt, so I decided to go to the living room to watch the news. Once the TV was turned on I was taken back by the information. Right at the bottom corner was a red box with a white warning in capital letters,

' Breaking News: New Virus? Lexia Whitetip wanted, dead or alive.'

Am I seeing things? I rubbed my eye. Still there, shaking my head. Still there, I blinked in disbelief.

Pulling out my phone, I pulled up the WWN ( World Wide News) website, and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was being exposed.

One Paragraph says,

' Lexia White tip is a Tox, (part Fox, part Tiger, and part human) a species of the supernatural race. We have been given information from an anonymous resource, who will be interviewed tonight at five O'clock. For more information join us tonight, but if you see her give us a call at ***.'

I dropped my phone, and screamed. I ran around the house locking everything.

" We are being exposed, we'll have Hunters, Councils, Demons, Civilians, Police, Animal control, the Military, the Mafia all on our tails hunting us. And the pack, Supernatural species will be revealed to the humans. And the world will turn to chaos. Not to mention the people at risk..." I trailed off in a whisper for that last part

Falling to my knees, I began to sob.

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