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Lexia's POV

I made my way out of the Library, and Tala began to talk and tell me about herself. As I listened I began to get this weird feeling and a scent caught my attention.

The smell of Mint and Lemon wafted up my nose. I started following this new scent and it led me to the wolf still unconscious on my table (well, on my new house's table) . Suddenly Tala began saying a word I'd never thought I'd hear in my life.

'Mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' She says

'Mate is handsome' She sighed dreamily

Tala was eye raping our mates body, she's been going on with how handsome he is. And I have to agree he is one of the most handsome males I have ever seen, even in wolf form. I pulled up a chair and started reading the book I found on Tox's.

Apparently Tox's are Hybrid animals of both a fox and a tiger. They have the body shape of foxes, and the patterns of a tiger. All Tox's are different colours, and are of all sizes that are controlled by the

shifter. And an interesting fact was that they have a tiger-like appetite.

Tala was a black Tox with black tattoo like designs, that curled, waved and spiralled over her- our white pelt.

Suddenly the Alpha moved, he took a big sniff in the air and growled...

Uh Oh...

His nose flared in...... Anger? Disgust?

' Tala?' I asked

She'd gone silent.

Why do I feel so scared, and why-

The Alpha tried getting up, but ended up slipping on the sheet and falling, automatically I dove to catch him. I made sure to flip him so he landed on top of me, and it worked. The Alpha looked ok, until he realized he was on top of me then we had a little problem.He tried standing back up but ended up howling in pain and dropping back on top of me. This worried me, so I quickly got up and lifted him with me.

Putting him on the couch I tried to work the tv, after a lot of fooling around with the wiring I finally got it on. The news was talking about a serial killer attack.

"Probably Savage Vampires!" I muttered completely forgetting this Alpha can hear me.

The Alpha gives me a bark, and I whipped around to see him watching me with his tongue lolling out of one side of his house, if I didn't know of the supernatural world I would have mistaken him for a normal dog that was part wolf.

I got up and started to make my way to the kitchen, this house was piled with my boxes in some areas, from the school. Soon I could hear the wolf's snores indicating that he's sleeping. I went up the stairs and began exploring. This house has so many rooms, I might get lost....

I found the room with the less 'personal' belongings and brought mine in. As I started unpacking I felt an uneasy feeling come over me. Almost as if I'm being watched. But this feeling quickly fades when I shut my door and play some music. The playlist starts with a song by Fall out boy.

Singing and dancing as I unpack, I was unaware of the listener downstairs.

Quest's POV

( Knox's wolf )

Knox may be sleeping, but I was listening to the Angelic voice my mate uses as she sings a song by Fall out boy. I laid on her table and listen,

Suddenly the room seems to get oddly cold. And I felt the wind blow my pelt? Wait wind.... Last I check the doors are shut tight and it's

pouring rain outside, I don't remember any sort of wind.

Then I sniffed the air and it smelt stale, what has a stale smell- Shoot.

' Knox, Knox, KNOX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I yelled at him to wake up

'Shhhhhhhhhhhh.' He growled at me

'Mate's in trouble.' I growled back


Did I stutter?

' Something. Is. In. Here. And. It's. Going. After. Mate.' I roared at him

That caused him to open his eyes, we were almost healed. But right now, our mate needed us. So standing up we go upstairs following our mate's scent.

Her scent was strongest at this door, so scratching it lightly I wanted for her. She opened up right away and her face went from confusion to anger, causing both of us to cower away. Almost as if a switch flipped she stepped aside letting us in, but spoke,

"If you're gonna be in here at least lay on the bed, so you don't hurt yourself." She sighed

I do as she says and she shuts the door, but not before I get a glimpse out in the hallway of a grinning shadow. I stared wide eyed as it used a motion of cutting off it's head, it's faceless head tilts sideways. And then the shadows pointing at my mate before it

Waves a little 'bye bye'.

I growled at it and it disappeared leaving behind a confused mate.

I forget what she said and inched closer to her, pushing her away from the closed door. That thing wants to kill her.

'Mate is not leaving this room without us, actually. She is to not leave our sight and side.'Knox growled

I growled back in agreement, that shadow will not take away the only happiness I have left. And if my heart stops beating then so be it.

Knox agreed, and said his own vow about protecting our mate at the cost of anything.

Our mate sat down on her bed and she began to read about....Tox's.

No clue what those are, but whatever because I don't care. The only thing I care about is my mate, my Lover, my mistress, my Lexia.

I hopped up on her bed and curled up in as much as a ball as I can make, as close as I can to her.

' Such a tragedy she has her shirt on.' I purred as I put some very exposing pictures into Knox's head, he and I both growl in our head at the picture,

'Quest, stop it' Knox snapped causing me to chuckle

'O, how I miss those amazing sparks, that happen from her; soft, warm touch' I dragged out

Knox takes control and shuts me out, even though he can't hear me I still give a little,


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