Knox Arlo Lupin

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Knox's POV

I finally have enough focus to block Quest and his dirty images of our mate.

I stared up at the; sweet, innocent face of Lexia. Sensing my stare she glances at me to make sure and she blushes, then one thought crossed my mind.

' Only Quest and I can make her feel like this, no other guy can get this response from her, she's all ours and no one can do a thing about it. And if anyone does try to come between us, I'm gonna rip their heads off.' And at that I grinned

As I was evilly scheming with Quest, I hadn't noticed that Lexia and a certain Tox were giving me loving glances.

We were snapped out of our scheming with sparks on our pelt, my head whipped in Lexia's direction. She sat cross legged on the bed. Her black leggings were covered in fur, her white dress shirt was tucked into pants straightening everything. Leaving all her curves on display, her delicious body had left Quest and me drooling (Not visible)

She seemed to jump back at our quick reaction, so when she stopped Quest filled my head with sorrow filled whimpers. And I needed her to touch me or else I'd end up shifting to smother her in human form, and let's just say that would be beyond strange/weird.

'You know what, who cares. Forget my dignity and status.'

I made my decision.

Crawling to Lexia on my stomach took a lot of work, and what I did next would have had my pack on their arses laughing their hats off.

I whined, whined and whined. Putting my head on her lap, using my snout I kept nuzzling her. She looked shocked, then I remembered something.

She knows I'm a shifter and not some random animal, shoot. This is beyond embarrassing, she also knows I'm an Alpha. All these add up to one thing, she knows the Supernatural community. Wait, does that mean she's supernatural. I mean I'll love her anyways no matter what she is. She's my soulmate, if she is I wonder what she is, or if she's not I wonder what her relationships to it are and how she knows. I began to process many questions about her and different theories, when suddenly Quest is snapping me back by taking control. And what he does next makes me want to put my head in my human hands and groan in embarrassment.


Quest is fully in control over my body. Which means my eyes are probably pitch black with gold iris's, instead of their usual Stormy colour with gold rings. But yet my mate has no problem meeting him, it would make sense if she knew this, she is involved with the Supernatural Community.

So with Quest in full control over my body, he has stood up on my mates bed and stretched himself comfortably on top of our mate, she giggles. Oh, that giggle. I could listen to it all day.

'Me too!' Quest says

As her giggling starts to quiet down she brings her hands to work her magic on my pelt, I relaxed and enjoyed her touch because were I human now I'd be a moaning and groaning mess.

Not only had Quest and I relaxed but so did she, Lexia began to lightly hum a tune quite familiar. But I couldn't put a name to it. Since she stopped humming we were silent, actually more like Lexia was silent and Quest had turned us into a purring machine, (Yes, we are wolves and we're purring like cats) but neither of us seemed to mind. Guess we were too busy enjoying each other's company.

She was about to hit my 'spot' when she suddenly stopped, causing me to turn around and look at her in confusion.

" I know you have a voice, why not put it to good use. Alpha!" She chuckled with respect

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