A Tox?

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Knox's POV

She was beautiful, her long black hair cascaded down her back, and her Sapphire blue eyes were changing to an orange-goldish colour. Her voice was; confident, alluring, innocent, angelic, joyful and it commanded my attention.

Most Alpha's don't like to be bossed around, but listening to her voice was like listening to the ocean, and I'd let this innocent girl talk all she wants. Gosh I don't even know the girl and I already whipped.

My wolf Quest was begging, and he was muttering one word over and over again. But I couldn't hear what he was saying, so when I asked I was ignored.

I was snapped back to reality when the sweet, Innocent girl started to get agitated and made her point across about me coming clean so she can help me. I stared at her in; shock, adoration, and another feeling I can't quite pinpoint.

I don't understand why this human can make me feel like this, nobody can make me feel like this. I'm staying loyal and saving myself for my-

Suddenly she touched me to stitch me up, and fireworks erupt everywhere she touches, I can tell she feels them too because she gasped and pulled away. But what I don't understand is that she had touched me before and I've felt nothing...

'Mate, mate, mate, mate...." He yips around in my head. He started sounding like the seagulls in finding nemo.

I've waited years for this moment, always wondering how, when and if I'd meet my mate. And here she is. It only took me getting hit by a car to find her.

Her eyes flickered back from sapphire to the orange-gold. I whimpered at the loss of contact between us.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." She says

She must have mistaken my whimper as a whimper of pain, I tried to scoot closer to her. Giving her my best puppy eyes. She relaxed and began to continue her work.

'Alpha?' Several voices linked me at the same time

Giving me a massive headache, but despite my thoughts to ignore them. As Alpha I have a pack and a duty, so I answer them back,

'I'm alright' I tell them

'Where are you Alpha?' my Beta asked

' Zev, I'm fine. How's the pack in my absence?' I asked

' Becoming more and more restless with your absence, where are you?' Zev says his tone laced with worry

' I don't exactly know. But I found my mate, and she's taking care of me-' I feel the link become weaker

' I have to make this quick, I'm starting to lose consciousness. As long as you and Lance are keeping the pack together I will be fine, I'll try to make it back as soon as-' black dots start to dance across my vision.

'As soon as I can.' I finished right before I black out to the feeling of sparks on my ribs in wolf form.

Tala's POV

I watched as she finished stitching my mate up, leaving him unconscious in the room. The charcoal haired girl began to explore her new home, and I watched her from a distance. I started getting really eager as she made her way closer and closer to the Library.

I could already get a vibe of ' I love reading' off this girl. She stopped at the Library doors, shaking her head and walking past she continued,

' No, go to the Library!!!!!!!' I screamed, but of course she couldn't hear me, and suddenly she stopped immediately in her tracks and turned around.

Heading towards the library, I begin to have this giddy feeling. So I followed her, I noticed her expression; Awe.

She looked at the bookshelves and bagan running her finger over their spines, I got more anticipated when she neared a certain book. She stopped at that ook, pulling it out of the shelf she read the cover aloud,

"Tox's. What's a Tox?" She flipped open the book and then I felt it begin.

Starting with me. I felt myself being lowered to the ground, after decades of floating and not being able to touch a thing or be heard, I was placed on the beautiful soft white carpet. My paws were fingerling with the soft feeling, I have always imagined what it felt like but nothing could have prepared me for the actual feeling. And well, I'm love'n it! All four of my paws wiggled as the carpet squished between them. I chuckled which sounded weird coming from an animal.

Finally bursting from my inner bubble of amazement, I watched the charcoal black haired girl read about my species. I finally concluded to approach her.... Only, how?

"Hello Lexia." I say

The girl world around wide eyed and looks around confused, that is until her eyes land on me and she takes in every detail, then her eyes widened in recognition.

"You're a Tox, cool. Are you a shifter?" she ask

" No Lexi. I am not a shifter, actually I am a Tox Spirit. Looking for my other half." I was about to tell her the rest but she spoke

"Good luck, um...." She trails off

"Tala, and I already found her." I say grinning at Lexia

Lexia looked confused, so I continued.

"Lexia, you're my other half!" I rushed out

I waited for her response, and when all she did was give me a small mischievous grin. I decided to ask her the final question (This is usually not as things go, usually your born as the species you are not turned into the species)

"Do you accept me?" I asked her

She was silent for a minute, and finally she nodded. I gleefully sprinted towards her, I guess she didn't expect what I did next because she jumped back, but I still got to her. Jumping at her I phased right through and into her.

Our souls molded together and we were now bound together for life, I felt almost complete. The only part missing was my mate, and

I have a feeling we will be seeing him sooner than anything.

Suddenly I was filled with all Lexia's memories, thoughts and dreams. Almost like I grew up with her, I could now know her like the back of my paw.

'Hello Lexia!' I said quite cheerily

'Tala? What's going on?' She asked worried

"We are bound through soul, body and mind.' I say

I could feel the joy in her attitude.

' Now, what do you say? We should go care after our friendly Alpha.' She says

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