The Great Escape

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Lexia's POV

The man I learned was Zero finally left the room. Getting out of these restraints were no uses.

So I had two choices, play along or I rot in here for the rest of my life-

' I say we play along and when the time comes we stab him in the back.' Tala says with a sick grin

I slowly copy that grin and I start thinking of other ideas to get him to believe me.

One week later

Today I escape, well actually tonight I escape killing Zero in the process.

Currently I am laying in the bed waiting for Zero, the door opens and he enters the room. He grins at the sight of me waiting for him in bed.

" Have you finally accepted me ?'' He asks with a smirk

"Yes!" I lied

I grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him down onto the bed, he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on the floor. He flips us so I'm on the top and he's beneath me.

'It's time, do it!' Tala snarled

I bent down and whispered in his ear.

"Our time spent together has been different......." I trailed off

I pretended to push myself against him, but instead I was actually grabbing my knife.

"Too bad all things come to an end-Not" I snarled stabbing him

He gasped and fell against the bed unmoving, I made sure I stabbed him in the heart. Quickly grabbing my backpack I ran out of the room, I'm so glad he removed my cuffs yesterday. Knowing he's not dead, I have twenty-four hours to get as far as I can from here, and I have to be careful about his Hybrid creatures. I ran out, stupid immortal can't be killed and he's a shape shifter too. I ran to the stables and I stood in front of the already bridalled horse.(I was here earlier) I quickly got out and used the route I've been planning to use for days.

The horse sped up at my instruction.

I've been riding for eight hours straight and I was beginning to fall asleep. Seeing as it was currently around three in the morning, I left at seven. All around me was a forest that continued on for acres. I jumped off the horse and smacked it's hip. The horse ran off leaving me and my stuff in a forest. I made my way to a big Birch tree that

spread off into many branches. I picked a branch not too high, yet not too low. And it was sturdy enough to hold my weight. I climbed it and tied myself with a rope to a tree, so I didn't fall.

Taking one last glance around I finally let myself have a better sleep than I have this week, maybe not the best but it was better than this past week's nights. Darkness welcomed me as a friend this time and not an enemy.

Lexia's POV

I blinked open my eyes and I saw my man, And my old friend from school, Bree. There were three other wolves in the room, and they all looked relieved.

The female had; long black wavy hair that escalated down her back, her bangs were pushed to one side, and her golden eyes seemed to glow, they had flecks of silver in their iris's.And she wore a navy blue dress shirt tucked into black leggings. Paired with black converse.

The male in front of me had black short hair identical to the female. His eyes were stormy grey with golden rings around them (I think I got a sense of deja vu) This man wore a tight black T-shirt that

hugged his chest, showing (So did the other two males, only they weren't as muscly, since this guy was obviously an Alpha. And they were his second and third in charge) his muscles. And matching black sweatpants. And he wore a pair of grey skateboard shoes.

And the other man near the female, Beta probably (second in command) had a brown side fringe haircut, blue eyes with golden flecks. He wore a white shirt that says 'If You Call One Wolf, You Invite The Pack', with black sweatpants. He wore White Adidas sneakers.

Last of the guys was the Gamma, (Third in command) He had Dirty Blonde hair styled as a short, forward uppercut. His Hazel eyes also had flecks of Gold. He wore a red shirt that said 'If You Kick Me When I'm Down, You Better Pray I Don't Get Up!'. He wore blue jeans, and had Nike Red and Black sneakers.

Everyone seemed to be staring at me in hopes of something, I was about to say something. When a searing pain ripped through my body. They all took a step back except Bree and the Alpha, the others looked confused but these two looked prepared.

I screamed out in pain as I felt my knee pop out of place, Bree gave the Alpha an order and he nodded. Scooping me up in his arms he left them four behind, he took me outside. My whole body was on fire except for where he touched me, (And no, It's not heat) The popping kept going in different areas.

' Sorry Lexia, I tried holding it in for as long as we could so this didn't happen with Zero. But I just can't hold it back any longer. And I sense something big in the new future.' Tala says

This Alpha was mouthing soothing words to me. Suddenly he shifts

and I recognize him instantly....

This Alpha is the wolf I cared for before I was kidnapped by that weird creature, he brushed his grey and black pelt against me. I had managed to stop screaming when he placed me on the ground, but I couldn't stop writhing around in pain.




Went to my bones, I bit my lip to stop from screaming. Finally thinking it was over I relaxed before I felt my bones rearrange themselves in my body, and that wasn't all. I felt myself drop on fours, and then I began to grow. Looking down at myself I looked like a tiger. With the body shape of a fox, size of a tiger and matching tiger patterns. I was orange, white, and black. I had a tail like a fox with tiger printings.

I felt my nose extend and a snout formed, and that was only the beginning, my gums and teeth started to hurt, I felt my teeth sharpen into those of a Tiger's, but that's weird because my snout was fox-like. Wait no, more like I had the canines of a Tiger and the rest were fox teeth.

Once the pain stopped, I was able to get up and I looked into the eyes of the Alpha, he stared at us (Tala ad I) in shock, awe and......Love?

Tala shook out our fur, and that's when the other four broke through the forest to where we were.

The girl I didn't know handed me a dress and I used my mouth to grab it. Running behind a tree Tala helped me shift. It wasn't as painful this time, but Tala says the more I shift the more my body gets used to rearranging. I noticed my mate shifted back earlier.

I slid on the dress and undergarments.Walking out from behind the tree, I felt better.

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