Learning of the Kitsune

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Lexia's POV

I was sipping my Peppermint tea and flipping through a book about Kitsunes when he found me.

"Lexia! What's got your nose in a book, shouldn't you be training. Or something?" I quickly shut the book and slid it at the other end of the table with a pile of bird watching books.I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey Grey! There's more to me than blades and combat." I assured him

"So you're a bookworm too?" He asked raising a brow as he slid into the chair across from me

I nodded stiffly, seeing as he rose his brows questionably at me.

He reached over to the pile of books I had skimmed through(Thankfully on the opposite end of the bird watching side) and picked the last book I skimmed through, a book on Rare mythical creatures. I gulped. That book mentioned; Kelpies, Leshi's, Cadejo's, Fenrir's, Amarok's, Gargoyles, Sleipnirs, Banshee's, Hydra's, Chimera's, Basilisk's, Phoenix's, Griffin's, Unicorn's, Centaur's, Faun's, Minotaurs, and well Kitsunes...

He stopped on one page 'Kitsunes' and he glanced at me raising his brows and smirking at me.

I looked away, and took a sudden interest in my notes in front of me.

Just then a man decides to make his entrance, and notices Grey and me. Making his way over to our table he's grinning the whole time.

"Lexia, just the person I was looking for." He says

Something about him was familiar...


Something moved behind him, so when I glanced behind him it was sure a surprise on what I saw,

"Phoenix?" I was sure astonished at his well, human form

"You two met?" Grey gave me a suspicious look



We both spoke at the same time, I glanced at him and gave him a, 'Why are you lying' look.

But he gave me a, 'Shut up!' look

So I returned it with a challenging glare saying, 'Watch me!'

He gave me a glare of his own ( let's be honest it looked more like a scowl.) that said, 'I'm in charge right now, so you listen to be. So be a good girl and obey'.

I stared shocked,

"Okayyyyy.''Grey says grabbing a book and leaving

I blew out a sigh I didn't realise I was holding.

"Finally, I thought he'd never leave.'' He said

"What do you need." I stood up and grabbed my mug,

The Kitsune followed me out of the library, when suddenly I couldn't move and I dropped my mug. Before I could react I was pulled from my still standing body and placed into an all too familiar forest.

I looked around, then froze.

"Leeeeeex-iiiiaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The minotaur hissed

It lowered his head and charged, I was still frozen in horror and confusion, so when I finally snapped out of the trance it was too late. The minotaur had managed to impale me in my stomach with only one horn, when it jerked away he slithered back into the shadows, and the mistake I made was walking backward, not knowing I would be going tumbling downhill any second now. When the minotaur charged this time i was ready, only the momentum sent us both tumbling down the hill, in which case was a pro for the minotaur and a con for me . The minotaur jerked itself off me, but this time something was wrong, sure I was in pain and such. But the minotaur was missing something. I looked around and found its missing feature in my stomach. The minotaur's horn was impaled into my stomach.

Then suddenly I was jerked backwards against my will, I stumbled. Being jerked again hurt like hell, I was being jerked back into my body, I guess you could say I had an 'out of body experience'.

What the hell, I could bleed to death and here I am making puns and jokes.

I was back in my body, only I wasn't standing. No I was crumpled on the ground in pain, but also Phoenix held me in his arms. His lips were moving but no sound came out. I heard nothing but silence. I slowly began to hear bits and pieces of his instruction. Till I could hear again.

" What's going on Lexia? Talk to me, Why are you bleeding?" He fired

I looked down, and sure enough the impaled mark was still there only the horn wasn't, then I felt it. Looking down in my left hand was the white curved minotaur horn, so before I passed unconscious I spoke my words carefully,

"Minotaur-Me-Impaled-Dream-Here!" I held out my bloody hand that held the horn before I allowed myself to pass out.

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