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"Yah, shut it, idiot. She didn't do anything . I was wrong . Don't even dare to talk rubbish about her. I was the one who cheated on her."

I can't believe he just said that. He seemed so angry. That was also one of the things I loved about him. He was always protective of me. It was surprising that he still is. It must have been hard to admit. I moved further as I didn't want to hear the remaining conversation. It was hurting me, to see he was still the same. Some part of me was telling me to go easy on him. That courage to accept the mistake he did in front of a group of people showed me that he still cared about me. But what could I do. Nothing. I was walking around, then a guy came stood in front me. I looked up. I guess he was from our class although couldn't remember his name.

" Y/n, it has been a very long time. Okay, I will come straight to the point. I have liked you since  we were in the university. I heard you broke up with Namjoon. So , would you give me a chance?"

I just walked past  him. I don't know what happened to me, I was already having a rush on my emotions after hearing what Namjoon said. I felt bad hearing someone say they like me. It again reminded  me of Namjoon.  I walked out and sat on a bench.


I can't just believe this guy. He was disrespecting Y/n. And how dare he do that in front of me. I shouted on him saying it was me who cheated on her. It was hard saying that again. It was like reliving the moments that broke my heart. But nothing matters to me more than y/n. I wouldn't care about anything . It was nothing compared to the pain Y/n went through. After the out burst I walked out of room. I saw y/n  walking ahead of me. I wanted to talk to her. As I was about to call her, some guy came in front of her. A confession. I heard a confession made to y/n. I did not want to hear the answer. It would still hurt me irrespective of the reply  she gives. But something unexpected happened. She just walked past him literally ignoring him. I don't know why but something seemed off. I followed her out as she sat on the bench. I walked near to her  back facing her at a distance where I could see her face. Her eyes were glossy. She was holding back her tears as if refusing to cry. I wonder how many times she held back her tears in the past years. As I was watching a small kid approached her. She noticed him when he gently pulled her dress. she hummed a yes staring at him.

He said ," I think you will look good if you smile, can you smile so I can see?"

She was as taken aback as I was. 

" Why would you think that? You never saw me smile". She asked him gently.

" I don't know. I just felt like that", he shrugged.

Y/n smiled brightly at his cuteness. It has been years since saw her smile like that. That smile I  missed so much ,it felt good watching her like that. She was beautiful.

" See? I was right. You do look good". The kid was smiling too.

Y/n chuckled as he ran back to his mom. I smiled seeing her. She got up and turned back. We saw each other smile yet we both went back to our normal expressions.

" Namjoon. Sorry, I mean Mr. Kim-"

" Y/n , you can call me Namjoon now. We are not in the office."

" Ah , okay. Namjoon what are you doing here?"

" Me, I was - I was just-".

"Y/n, Namjoon . You both are here." Thank god, Soo Yeon came. I didn't know what excuse to give her.

Soo Yeon came with some guy.

" This is Jungkook, my boyfriend whom I have been hiding for a year even though it wasn't intentional. And these are Y/n and Namjoon."

Y/n bowed to him and smiled slightly  while I gave him a hand shake. They looked cute together.

" I guess you are worth our wait. You look very good together." I said.

"Thank you. I feel good finally meeting people I hear about all the time".

" I heard a lot about you and I think you are good but you better take good care of her" , Y/n said what seemed like a warning.

" Wow , that seemed like a warning to me. Anyway I love her so I will treat her good".

"Y/n, stop being possessive and protective. You know he is nice.", Soo Yeon said .

Y/n just nodded her head. We talked about many things. We had lunch together. Jungkook and Soo Yeon were being so lovey dovey.

" Do you do this every day ? You are cringing me so bad. Stop already." Y/n said  looking disgusted.

" No we don't do this everyday, only once in a while".

" Why does it have to be today then. My eyes, they need some cleaning."

" See miss, I know you are just jealous of us"

"What am I jealous of? Let me know."

Soo Yeon sticked her tongue out in response.

" Girl, you just did not do that?"

" I did, so what are you going to do about it?"

There they are bickering again.

As they were about to continue, Y/n's phone rang.

" Yes, mom"

" No , I already said I am not going on blind dates".

" Yes, I am at my reunion so ? And who told you about it".

Y/n glared at Soo Yeon as she sheepishly smiled.

" What? Why would you do that?"

" No . I am not meeting any one here. I will just ignore him."

" No, mom-" she placed her phone down.

" Soo Yeon, you are so dead in my hands now"

" Wait. What did I do?" 

" Some guy is coming here to pick me up for a blind date with him."

" What?".

" You know what? It gets worse. He is already here." She looked clearly annoyed.

"And what will you do?"

" What do you think? Of course I will just ignore him."

We all saw some guy coming towards us smiling brightly from a distance. She looked unsure at first.

" Hoseok !". I saw her  looking surprised and then her frown slowly changed in to a slight smile.



I hope you guys are good. I also hope you like the part.

Leave a comment before you go.

Lots of love..

                         ---- Bangtangirl:)

AN OTHER CHANCEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora