"Just as long as you don't do anything stupid that would lead up to you getting a punch in the gut," I tell him, giving him my stink eye. 

Then Jordan reverts to his regular self and pops the collar of his tank top, "Can't promise anything, Jen. Alright then, I'll come pick you up on Friday at 6."

I scoff and say, "We'll see."

Jordan laughs then walks off, over to his friends who were waiting by the corn dog stand. I roll my eyes once again and went back to work. 

Lisa and Wyatt

It's been a pretty rough 3 days. First off, I got shot during a case, then I had to get stitches, then I get dragged off to Wyatt's hideout, then Wyatt kissed me! And the worst part, I LIKED IT!!!!!!

Oh god, if the force ever found out, especially the chief, I would lose my job for sure. I have worked too hard and so long to get where I am now, and I do not want to jeopardize it because a crocodile gang leader has a thing for me and I might just have a thing for him too! So for now I have to keep this to myself and not let the force find out. 

Anyway, I just got back from my physical therapy. The doctor said that I need to do some physical therapy to get some movement and muscle back into my leg. Because if I didn't do it then my leg would end up becoming useless and I would be stuck with a cane for the rest of my life, then I wouldn't be working with Liam anymore. Instead, I would be doing computer work. And I do not want to do that. So physical therapy is my best solution. 

Again, anyways, Liam drops me off at my apartment and, it was a bit of a struggle, but I make it up the stairs and make my way to my door. I pull out my key and stick it in the lock, turn it, and turn the knob, opening the door. 

I walk into my apartment, close the door behind me, and lean against the door, sighing in relief. Being at therapy was a pain, especially since I'm just starting. They had me do painful things, especially on my leg. But I had to push myself to do it if I didn't want to be working on the computers at the station. My physician was proud of me for working hard on my exercises, she said it'll get easier the more I do it. 

I push myself off the door and place my keys beside the book stand that I keep my door when I hear a familiar voice in my apartment. 

"Rough day baby?"

I jump at first but sigh in irritation. I turn around and find Wyatt sitting on my couch casually. 

"We really gotta stop meeting like this," I point out to him. 

"And ruin my surprise visits?" Wyatt questions then chuckle, "Nah baby, that would be no fun now would it?"

I roll my eyes at him and make my way to the kitchen which is connected to the living room, "What are you doing here Wyatt?" 

I hear Wyatt get up off the couch and follow me to the kitchen. "Just came to see how my girl is doin'."

I scoff while I put some pop tarts in the toaster oven. "Oh so now I'm 'your girl'?" 

"Damn right you are baby. When I see somethin' I want, I claim 'em," He says as he takes a seat in one of my chairs in the kitchen.

I press some buttons on the toaster oven and let the pop tarts bake as I turn my attention back to Wyatt. "Well, maybe some things don't like to be claimed by someone else."

Wyatt shrugs his shoulders, "That's their problem, not mine, they're mine whether they like it or not."

I roll my eyes again and lean against my rectangular table. 

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