Chapter 12

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~Percy's POV~

Percy groaned when he saw the three headed dog. Damian asked "What in the world is that can I keep it?" it shocked Percy that he could see the beast, but he was even more shocked when he asked if he could keep it. Marinette said "No Dami we have to kill it or it will eat us." Damian sighed and left with his family leaving Percy, Marinette, Annabeth, and Chloe alone with it. Marinette pressed a charm on her bracelet and it turned into a katana, following her lead Percy uncapped riptide and the twins charged. Annabeth distracted it while Percy landed the first hit on the back of the hellhound, then Marinette thrust her katana into its chest leaving to evaporate into dust. The group of four then left the room to meet up with the others. 

Damian asked once again "What was that?" Percy was the one who answered "That was a hellhound but you shouldn't be able to see it the mist covers it unless you are a half blood or are clear sighted, my guess is that you're clear sighted." they other demigods and the satyr agreed with Percy. Tikki and Plagg entered the room "Nice job with the dog you guys took it down in like five minutes" Plagg said "Thanks" the four said in unison. Then Tim challenged Marinette to a round of UMIII, Marinette smirked knowing she is the champ. Her brother laughed and told Tim "Good luck" Tim was confused until they started playing. He was wondering how she was beating him in a game he was cheating, after a few minutes Marinette stood victoriously and and did her dance. Jason spoke after she completely pulverized Tim "How?" Marinette smiled and responded "I won a tournament in France with a friend." She then left the room leaving all the Wayne's excluding Damian in a daze. 

~Time skip brought to you by I want cookies but we don't have any 😔😢~

The next day Percy went into Marinette's room expecting her to not be in there alone, but he found she wasn't in there at all. He sighed and headed over to Damian's room and behold he found them! He decided to use a different method to wake them up instead of using good old water. He went to Alfred and asked for a bugle he didn't ask questions and left to get one. He return with the instrument in his hands, Percy grabbed it saying thank you and rushed into Damian's room once more. He took a deep breath and blew into the horn waking up the teens who jumped out of bed alert. When they saw it was just Percy they relaxed slightly before grabbing daggers and chasing him around the house. The couple was stopped by Alfred you took their knives and led them to the kitchen for breakfast. 

Once they finished they got ready and the three met up with Annabeth and Chloe who left earlier to meet with the class at W.E. When the trio arrived they saw Ms. Bustier fighting with the receptionist demanding that the tour start right now. The poor woman at the desk was trying to tell her that they couldn't start the tour without all the students present. Damian cut in saying that the rest were there and that the tour may begin. Once the tour began Lila wasn't spreading lies for once. Marinette and Percy thought they were in the clear until approached Sabrina them "Marinette I can't believe you would break into the Wayne Manor and force Damian Wayne to date you." Percy has had it with people saying horrible things about his sister and kinda sorta maybe accidentally summoned a mini tsunami to hit the entire class inside the building. Whoopsie! Then entire class looked at the twins wondering what in the world just happened. Percy grabbed his sisters hand and ran out of the building into an alleyway.

 Marinette then asked "Why did you do that I could've handled it!?" "It's not my fault when I get angry I do things like that, so technically it's their fault." Marinette rolled her eyes she was about to respond when three large men entered the alleyway. The men walked over to them and the largest one pulled out a knife "Give us all your money and no one gets hurt" Marinette scoffed and said "The only ones getting hurt are gonna be you guys" They man charge at her with the knife and she quickly dodged it kicking him in the stomach. The other two guys went after Percy to which he punched one knocking him out and when he turned to do the same to the other he was already on the ground with a gash on his head. Percy turned to his sister "Nice job sis!" "Not so bad yourself kelp for brains" Percy glared at her and said "Well you are basically another version of me so you just called yourself kelp for brains" Persassy strikes again. They went back into the building to find Annabeth and Chloe waiting for them with disappointed looks. Percy became scared instantly and turned to his sister who wasn't much better. 


So uh I need cookies and choccy milk but there is no cookies or choccy milk 😢

Date 2/5/21

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