Thank You!

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I just wanted to thank all of you for reading it means so much to me. I can't believe this have over 1,000 reads I honestly thought no one would actually read it, but I was proven wrong I want to thank you again. 

P.S. THANK YOUUUUUUUU! Also one thing that bugs me so much is that the movie Hercules is supposed to be Greek mythology, but they use the Roman version if it were Greek it should be Heracles. Thank you again. But still if they wanted to make a movie about Greek him they could've gotten his name right. Now for a direct quote from my grandmother puts on Greek accent "Brava you ate all your food you must be hungry I'll get more" Thank you!!!!

 Now for a direct quote from my grandmother puts on Greek accent "Brava you ate all your food you must be hungry I'll get more" Thank you!!!!

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