Chapter 10

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I have one thing to say I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear in the last chapter Plagg is Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, Hera.... I'm not gonna list all of them but you get it right he is the son of Kronos. Tikki is a little different she is the daughter of the earth Gaea. 


~Percy's POV~

After Poseidon left Marinette said "So Plagg why didn't you tell you were my uncle? And Tikki why wasn't I told I took care of ex Greek gods not just some random gods that weren't even a part of any mythology?" Plagg looked like he just realized something "Oh yeah I forgot your dad was fishboy" Marinette and Percy started to laugh at the nickname for their father and at Plagg who was now drenched. "Worth it" he said "So my uncle is what gives me more magical powers" Plagg nodded in response. Tikki then spoke up "I know what you are wondering and no I am not your aunt I am Plagg's aunt, also I am not older than him I was created after Kronos ate them." Marinette then asked "Do you guys wanna freak out the others?" Everybody nodded and headed to the dining room for dinner. 

When the four sat down Chloe said "Hey I thought you two were banned from human form?!" The two gods just shrugged while the others in the room excluding Annabeth and Alfred were wondering what the heck was going on. "Why are you all staring at us like that? You don't do it when we are kwami's." Jason was the first one who managed to speak "Wait what do you mean when you are kwami's who are you?" Tikki sighed and said "I'm kind of hurt that you don't remember us oh well I'm Tikki goddess of creation daughter of Gaea and this is Plagg god of destruction son of Kronos" "Tikki and Plagg what happened you used to be so small and cute?" Tim said. Plagg scoffed and said "I was never cute" Tikki laughed and spoke in a baby voice "Yeah you were with your little cat ears and tiny nubs" He rolled his eyes "So Plagg is our uncle apparently and Tikki is our great aunt I think" Percy said. Annabeth then asked "Are you guys gonna stay in human for from now on?" Tikki replied with "Yep I'm never going back to that tiny little being ever again except for when there is an akuma attack" 

~Damian's POV~

Once everyone finished dinner Plagg took Damian off to the side "I know you used the Lazarus Pit along with the other idiot. I know you're wondering how do I know what the Pits are well kid I was the one who made them. Let's just say I never had tzatziki ever again." Damian didn't know if he should be disgusted or glad. On one hand he probably was brought back to life with some he doesn't want to think about, but on the other hand Plagg decided that it was best not to eat food that didn't sit well with him. Plagg continued talking "I can reverse the damage it has caused you and your brother while keeping you both alive on one condition." Damian nodded "You promise to never hurt pigtails or else I will do to you what I did with the dinosaurs." Damian was scared to talk he would never admit it but he was he nodded and Plagg then smiled and went to look for Todd. 

All Plagg did was touch their foreheads and they immediately felt the voices of the Pit leave. They thanked Plagg and went to bed. Damian was awoken in the middle of the night by a scream coming from Marinette's room when he entered he saw Percy and Annabeth trying to wake her up. He ran over to the two and asked what was wrong "She's having a night terror we thought they were over but I guess we were wrong" just then Marinette shot up from the bed in a blur with tears falling down her face. She grabbed onto Damian crying into his chest. He whispered comforting words soon her breathing evened out and she was sleeping.

~It is now morning due to the magic of time skips~

Damian woke up before Marinette and decided to let her sleep for a little longer until they had to go today they were going to The Gotham Museum of Antiquities. Soon after Damian headed back to his room to get ready he saw Marinette in the kitchen making breakfast. He was wondering how she got ready so fast but then remembered she is part god and she is usually late for things. Damian sat down besides Percy and Annabeth while Chloe was on the other side of the table on her phone. Soon Dick, Jason, and Tim entered the smell of eggs drawing them in. Once they finished their breakfast they decided to head out and meet with the class. 

When they got to the museum a blond boy went up to Marinette and grabbed her ignoring her protests. Damian followed them to find the blond boy threatening her with a knife. He was about to interfere but Marinette quickly punch him in the face and sweeped his feet out from under him he fell to the ground and Marinette gave him one last kick before heading over to him. "Who was that?" Damian questioned Marinette stiffened and replied "That was Adrien Agreste aka the old Chat Noir. I took away his miraculous after he went after me trying to force to be his girlfriend." Damian looked like he was ready to kill him which he was. As they walked through the museum they heard a crash they turned around to see Joker and his goons.


Thank you I hoped you liked this part bye!

Date 2/4/21

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